I’m not making an app recommendation today. Instead, I’m suggesting that anyone caught using a ringtone that comes with their smartphone to have it taken away and replaced with an old Motorola brickphone. That’s how much default ringtones annoy me.
Seriously, folks have this super cool phone that can do things no one even considered a decade ago. I bet there’s an app to remotely flush a toilet. Yet, people insist on using a ringtone that cones with the phone.
Come on!!!!!! Look, use one of the songs that you loaded on to the memory card. Take one.of your songs and turn it into a ringtone. I have a program on my laptop that does that. Free. Been doing that for a long time. Made the ones I have now for my old iPhone. Have Jimmy Buffett’s Boat Drinks, which catches my attention. Also, Black Sabbath’s Mob Rules, which used to annoy my old boss. And a few others.
There are apps that turn songs into ringtones. But, please, for the love of all that is holy, use something other than the generic stuff that came with your phone.