If his grandkids are 17 or under, they haven’t actually experienced global warming, anthropogenic or otherwise. Continuing the 25 Days Of Climate Christmas
Santa Claus and Climate Change: A Letter to My Grandkids
December 2020
Dear Grandchildren,
Once upon a time, a jolly old man named St. Nick, or Santa Claus, lived at the North Pole. Every year, at Christmas, he bundled up toys made by his magic elves and flew around the world in a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer, including his most famous one, Rudolph. Santa brought these presents to all the good little boys and girls in return for nothing more than cookies, milk, and unquestioned love. But he also kept a list of bad little boys and girls, who got a lump of coal in their stockings as a reminder to be better next year.
I’m sorry to have to tell you there will be no presents from Santa this year.
It’s not that you’ve been bad. Rather the world’s governments (sometimes run by bad boys and girls now grown up) have failed to address the long-worsening problem of climate change. Santa is the latest climate victim. As the last of the summer ice at the North Pole finally disappeared, Santa’s workshop sank to the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. When the insurance companies cancelled most flood insurance policies, and Canada claimed the North Pole, Santa lost everything and became the latest climate refugee.
Is there any point in supplying rebuttal information to this bit of climahysteria? Perhaps we could mention Gleik’s involvement in Fakegate. Perhaps we should note that Arctic ice actually grew quite a bit in 2013 (when the Arctic was supposed to be ice free, according to several unhinged Warmists). Or that nutballs have been making predictions of a doomed Arctic back into the 1930’s (they’ve actually made the same prognostication back into the late 1800’s, but I don’t feel like searching Steven Goddard’s archive). Na. Let’s just give Excitable Peter a gift of

[…] pathetic and hysterical are these climate change nuts? This much! If his grandkids are 17 or under, they haven’t actually experienced global warming, anthropogenic […]
Gleick appears to be one of those “scientists” who got more interested in policy than he did the science. His background sounds like a hydrologist (sort of a glorified civil engineer who concentrated in water issues), not particularly well suited to make any scientific insights into climate. Given the failure of the climate models, the end of the warming trends for the past 17 years, the recovery of the arctic ice, and numerous other findings in regard to the inadequate hypotheses used in AGW theory, a real scientist would not be making propaganda, but would be rethinking his beliefs about what is so.