Continuing the 25 Days Of Climate Christmas, some serious wackadoodleness
There’s so much disturbing weather all over the world right now
It got so hot in Denver this week that they hit a record high of 68 degrees Farenheit.
But don’t worry. Not everywhere where it’s supposed to be winter is having summer. Some places that are supposed to be having summer are having winter.
What? Yeah. It’s snowing in Vietnam. And in Cairo.
Enjoy Christmas, folks, because it could be your last. Here’s a list of recent freaky weather events that you can use against your relatives who don’t believe in climate change. Call it a cheat sheet, if you like:
Why, yes, yes, the article did just blame snow on “climate change”. Here’s the list of “disturbing weather”
- Snow in Vietnam
- Dry season not so dry (this is because it Zhanjiang, China, is getting lots of rain…because nothing should ever change on Earth)
- Denver hits a record high (weird that the 2000+ cold records aren’t mentioned, eh? But that would probably be attributed to “climate change”, too)
- Middle East meets snowmen
- Buenos Aires blacks out (it was hot in BA during the summer, so they lost power)
So, there you go, folks, two of 5 are about snow. One is about heavy rain, which is often associated with a reduction in solar output (a reduction means an increase in cosmic rays striking the earth, increasing cloud formation). So, Christmas might be cancelled in the future, cause mumble garble climate change.
(Photo via Vietnam News Agency/AFP/Getty Images, Ice-covered tree in Lao Cai, Vietnam)

The Pirate typed:
“One is about heavy rain, which is often associated with a reduction in solar output (a reduction means an increase in cosmic rays striking the earth, increasing cloud formation).”
lol… go on…
The statement was fairly clear to me. Are you saying you don’t understand it or that you don’t agree with the conclusion. He is talking about very basic science and if you don’t get the pathway, then maybe your knowledge base is problematic. That may explain your liberal leanings.