The political Left has spent a long time infiltrating and taking control of many segments of the nation, such as education, government bureaucracies, Hollywood, and unions. Now they’re working heavily to take over the military and work their Progressive magic. And saying Christmas? Brother, that’s just wrong. Here’s Todd Starnes reporting
(Fox News) Two weeks ago, a routine meeting was held at the Mississippi base with various leaders of the 158th Infantry Brigade. During the meeting, they discussed an upcoming Christmas football tournament. The equal opportunity officer immediately objected to the usage of the word “Christmas.â€
“Our equal opportunity representative stopped the briefing and told us that we can’t say Christmas,†the soldier told me. “Almost the entire room blew up. Everybody was frustrated. The equal opportunity rep told our commander that not everyone celebrates Christmas and we couldn’t say Christmas celebration. It had to be holiday celebration.â€
The soldier said there was a brief, but heated discussion about political correctness. At one point, the equal opportunity representative tried to deflect the criticism by pointing out it was the Army’s rules – not hers.
“She said an individual can say Christmas, but as an organization in the Army you can’t say Christmas,†the soldier told me.
There is no actual rule that forbids saying the word “Christmas”, but hardcore liberals are very upset over the use of the word, especially in Government (though these same hardcores are thrilled to get a paid day off or holiday pay if they have to work for Christmas, plus all the presents). This is these Progressive (fascist) morons pushing their “separation between church and state”, a fictional constitutional decree deriving from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson, which the moron left equates as The Law.
Furthermore, the mention of religion in public makes Progressives uncomfortable, and anything that makes them uncomfortable Must Be Banned. Finally, progressives want the State to be the religious deity, not Jesus or any other religious icon.
Mass. State Rep Alan Silvia , a Democrat no less, has a few thoughts on the issue of people being offended or made uncomfortable about the mention of Christmas
I have never been very good at being politically correct. Ask my friends. So I will continue to wish people Merry Christmas and when I do it won’t be out of disrespect to others beliefs or to offend people; it will be because it is one of the many freedoms we have that brave men and women generously sacrificed to preserve. And shame on anyone who attempts to take that freedom away.
Good for you, Alan, good for you.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Three words that don’t go together: “Todd Starnes reporting”, sort of like “McDonald’s breakfast burrito”. Let’s assume, at risk, that Todd Starnes got the story approximately right. A single officer told soldiers to refer to a holiday tournament as a holiday tournament instead of a Christmas tournament.
The paranoid Pirate takes this as evidence that the crafty communists are infiltrating the military the same way they have infiltrated education, the media, Hollywood, unions and gov’t civil service. All with the goal of persecuting Christians.
A few years ago I was working at a mission that was holding a weeklong Christmas bazaar where qualified poor could come in and select toys, clothing, household goods and Christmas decorations. An older lady had come in, and in talking she told me she was Muslim, but also loved the Christmas season and the “teachings of Jesus”. I helped her get a small artificial tree to her car. An agnostic working a bazaar at a Christian mission helping a Muslim pick out a Christmas tree. That’s America!
All have a Merry Christmas and the Happiest of Holiday Seasons!
Jiffypop doesn’t / can’t deal with the content of the story so he attacks, without basis, the reporter.
How unimaginative.
Then he doubles down by saying “I met a person who liked the teachings of someone so much that they didn’t believe or follow them” as if to make some point which matters not one iota to what Teach posted.
This from the guy who always says people wander off topic.
Careful, J, your liberal masters might throw you off the plantation for saying “Merry Christmas”.
Perhaps she should be addressed as “Comrade Political Officer.”
First, not communists. Progressives. Ie, nice fascism.
Second, funny how we keep seeing these anti-Christmas stories every year all over the place.
The mythical “War on Christmas”, a key component of the mythical US “Persecution of Christians” started in 1996 with the inauguration of FOX “News”.
80% of US households have a Christmas tree, including most progressives. Even agnostics celebrate Christmas – to the consternation of conservatives. You object to them celebrating “your” holiday and you object to them not shouting Merry Christmas to you. You become apoplectic if you hear Happy Holidays and consider it persecution. The sum total of your evidence of persecution is that some people greet you politely and warmly with “Happy Holidays” instead of your preferred greeting.
You do understand that the phrase “Happy Holidays” is not an intentional jab at Christians but an attempt to be inclusive of Jews, agnostics, Muslims, Blacks that celebrate Kwanzaa etc.
What makes you think that your religion should take precedence over all others?
You object to them celebrating “your†holiday and you object to them not shouting Merry Christmas to you.
No. The objection is when we are told we can’t say “Merry Christmas” because we may “offend someone.” The story illustrates that very fact, but you don’t see that just as you shut your eyes to any data that contradicts you.
You become apoplectic if you hear Happy Holidays and consider it persecution.
Proof please.
The sum total of your evidence of persecution is that some people greet you politely and warmly with “Happy Holidays†instead of your preferred greeting.
So despite seeing multiple stories on this very subject on this blog, you post this load of reindeer dung?
There is none so blind as he who will not see.