Staff Of Sen. Mark Udall Applied Inappropriate Pressure Over Cancellation Notices

And Udall apparently knew about it. Fortunately, most of the media has applied a collective yawn over this abuse of power. Lane closures are more important cause Republican governor

(Fox News) Democratic Colorado Sen. Mark Udall is under fire following reports that his staff pressured the Colorado Division of Insurance to walk back its claims that 250,000 people in the state had their health insurance canceled due to ObamaCare.

“It’s downright shameful that Sen. Udall would attempt to intimidate state employees to give him political cover,” Colorado GOP Chairman Ryan Call told FOX31 in Denver.

The allegations surfaced Thursday after the news site Complete Colorado published emails between Udall’s office and the Colorado insurance agency last November. At the time, controversy was heating up over the hundreds of thousands of insurance cancellation notices going out — the cancellations undercut President Obama’s campaign-trail assertions that those who like their health plans can keep them.

Udall’s staff challenged the Colorado agency for saying there had been 249,000 cancellations.

The issue wasn’t it about challenging the numbers, it was about how they challenged

One email showed the same insurance agency official telling colleagues she got a “very hostile phone call” from Udall’s deputy chief of staff.

Another email showed a Udall staffer telling the division “we need to move on this ASAP — or we’ll be forced to challenge the 249K number ourselves.”

So here you have a sitting US Senator’s staff placing phone calls and sending emails that were intimidating and hostile, and it looks like Udall knew about it. Is this appropriate behavior? Or is this abuse of power? Good thing all the news media is investigating this…oh, they aren’t. Democrat.

Powerline has more.

Crossed at Right Wing News.

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5 Responses to “Staff Of Sen. Mark Udall Applied Inappropriate Pressure Over Cancellation Notices”

  1. Jeffery says:

    For a more balanced look at this issue:

    And how is this legitimate disagreement related to the likely 2016 Republican Presidential candidate’s growing scandal (where a woman died because EMT’s couldn’t reach her)?

    Recall too, that Gov Christie attempted to stop further investigations by publicly mocking and ridiculing those asking him about it. And it was Gov Christie who held an hours long press conference. Christie is running for President of the US, is the presumptive Republican candidate and is a publicity hound. It is likely that he has lied to the public about the closing of the bridge.

  2. […] Obama’s campaign-trail assertions that those who like their health plans can keep them.Get the rest:In essence Udall was fuming mad that the CDI went public with what he saw as the unpopular truth.He […]

  3. gitarcarver says:


    I must admit that you have a penchant for lying.

    First, let’s deal with the bridge issue. The woman did not die because EMT’s could not reach her. The woman’s daughter has said that is not the case. The doctors have said that is not the case but yet in this instance, you want to contradict the experts in the field.

    Secondly, yes, Christie did hold a 2 hour press conference where he answered every question that was put forth to him. You find that a bad thing. Many people find it refreshing that a leader in government stood up, answered for what happened and took steps to deal with the people that had caused the issue. Contrast that to Obama’s handling of the IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal, Fast and Furious, etc where no one has been held accountable for anything and in some cases, people have been promoted.

    It seems clear that you support a lack of leadership from liberals and hate leadership from people with an “R” after their name.

    Secondly, the Mark Udall incident is a case where Udall claimed the numbers on the cancellations were wrong. They were not. Udall’s office claims people were offered identical policies they could renew, but that did not happen either. They were offered policies that met the ridiculous ACA standards and at a higher rate. It is no surprise that you support the idea that keeping the truth from people is a good thing to the point where you are willing to support a sitting Senator’s inappropriate use of power and weight.

  4. Jeffery says:


    The actual reports are not nearly as conclusive as you are about the poor woman who died.

    You can believe that Gov Christie (whom I favor) had a two hour press conference to clear things up if you want, but most of us understand that it was a self-serving effort to derail an investigation. The Gov had months to get to the bottom of this assault on the citizens of his state and chose to ignore it until the dung hit the fan.

    Perhaps Mr. Christie will grown as a man and public servant from this episode.

  5. gitarcarver says:


    You really have to stop responding to your wife. She is not here. I guess that shows your level and engagement with reality, but that is to be expected from you.

    As far as the woman dying, let’s go to the very source you gave:

    Although he did not say her death was directly caused by the delays,….

    It is also worthy to note that the woman passes away while at the hospital and not before the EMT’s reached her.

    Try learning to read.

    Secondly, Christie held a two hour news conference in which he answered every question. Reporters were actually complaining the the press conference took so long.

    Contrast that with Obama and try to use your alleged analytical skills to see who actually took accountability for what his underlings had done. HINT: It ain’t Obama.

    Once again, we see that you are a person who has no morals or standards.

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