Obviously, we all know, and by “all” I mean people who aren’t suckling at Obama’s teet (you’re welcome for that visual), that Ocare will cause rationing, long waits, and limited medical facilities. We’ve heard these stories again and again and again since registration launched (or should that be “launched”?) on October 1st, 2013, particularly in […]
Recent Comments
- Jl on If All You See…: “Seems like liberals must then approve of a 1500 page spending bill that almost no one has read. Sounds about…” Dec 19, 09:25
- Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Trumpelon decides to shut down the government over the holidays! Layoffs and furloughs and firings, oh my!! Merry Christmas, suckers!…” Dec 19, 09:25
- Jl on If All You See…: “Liberals approve of violence against America and the police, at least as long as the assaulter is a BLM member,…” Dec 19, 09:20
- Jl on ClimaLawfare: Climate Cult Gets Rare Win In Montana Supreme Court Case: ““Constitutional right to a safe and livable climate..”. Any evidence it’s not safe and livable? They must have found that…” Dec 19, 08:59
- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Well when you’re held in solitary long enough in a brutal filthy city jail you’ll plead to anything. Brandon’s DemoJustice.…” Dec 18, 23:57