Sounds like a great idea!
(Daily Caller) An Obama administration official has said that the new clean coal rules could increase electricity prices by as much as 80 percent.
Dr. Julio Friedmann, the deputy assistant secretary for clean coal at the Department of Energy, told House lawmakers that the first generation of carbon capture and storage technology would increase wholesale electricity prices by “70 or 80 percent.â€
The Obama administration’s plan to fight global warming includes limiting carbon dioxide from new power plants. In order for new coal-fired power plants to be built, however, they would need to install costly carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology.
Excellent! Nothing like artificially raising the price of energy for an issue that is mostly fake
“In typical EPA fashion, they’re putting the cart before the horse to advance their environmental policy agenda,†said Louisiana Republican Sen. David Vitter. “They’re moving forward with a controversial rule to regulate carbon based on technology that isn’t commercially available. Not only is this wrongheaded, it’s beyond the scope of their legal authority.â€
Now, why would legal authority stop them? It doesn’t stop Obama. The law is an inconvenience to be discarded for the sake of (insert pet liberal cause here).

Coal is a dirty way to get energy. Look at what happened to the Dan River. Wind costs are now below coal and will keep dropping. Solar costs keep dropping, will the cost of coal ever go down ?
Of course if the Keystone is not built our mid-western refiners will continue to be able to but that diluted bitumen at a 30% discount and pass the savings on to American consumers
Wind costs are now below coal and will keep dropping. Solar costs keep dropping, will the cost of coal ever go down ?
Sorry john, but without massive subsidies the costs of wind and solar is far above that of coal.
And of course at night or when the wind is not blowing, energy produced by coal is more costly because the others can’t produce any energy.
Spain, the UK, Germany etc have all tried to make solar and wind work and they cannot. As a result, their economies suffered, the government suffered and the people suffered.
Maybe that is what you want in the long run – a place where everyone suffers more than is needed.
Damn straight. Amen brother. So, once EPA rules this way, are you going to do anything about it Mr Vitter? Have you done anything about Mr Obama’s illegal and unconstitutional changes to laws? Have you done anything regarding his power grabs? Have you done anything with regards to cutting the funding to EPA and the president?
STFU until you do. Till then, you’re just as pathetic as the liberal Socialist Democrats.