Remember the time when people blew out of England to escape from the dominance of the Church of England? Remember how the Framers of the Constitution added a phrase to the Bill Of Rights to make sure no church would work hand in hand with The Government, because of how the Church Of England worked with the government? Well, that same church has chimed in on the issue of “climate change”. Which is not that strange, considering “climate change” is more of a religion than a science
(UK Guardian) The Church of England has said that it will, as a last resort, pull its investments from companies that fail to do enough to fight the “great demon” of climate change and ignore the church’s theological, moral and social priorities.
Demons. You darned witches driving fossil fueled vehicles. Tsk, tsk.
Although the church’s Ethical Investment Advisory Group (EIAG) has resisted calls for the church to pull its money from fossil fuel companies, insisting that engagement is the best way to effect change, its deputy chairman told the General Synod that it was considering “all options” when it came to developing future investment policy.
“Make no mistake, we reserve the final option of disinvesting from those particular companies who resist change,” said the Rev Canon Professor Richard Burridge, adding that the church had sold its £3.8m stake in the controversial mining company Vedanta four years ago following concerns about its human rights record.
But he added that while the EIAG recognised that climate change was a huge ethical investment issue, swift disinvestment from fossil fuel companies was not the answer.
“Pointing the finger at the extractive industries gets us off the hook and avoids the fundamental problem which is our selfishness and our way of life, which has been fuelled by plentiful, cheap energy and more and more people around the world wanting that,” he said.
So, when will the Church of England disconnect their power from the grid and only use “alternatives” like solar and wind? When will the leaders give up their own fossil fueled travel? Canon Giles Goddard of Southwark diocese proposed the divestment, and stated
“Climate change is a moral issue because the rich world has disproportionately contributed to it and the poor world is disproportionately suffering. Poor communities are least equipped to deal with the impacts.”
When Warmists start yammering on about “moral issues”, they know they are losing the debate.
Steven Croft, the bishop of Sheffield, described the threat of climate change as “a giant evil; a great demon of our day”, adding: “Its power is fed by greed, blindness and complacency in the present generation, and we know that this giant wreaks havoc though the immense power of the weather systems, which are themselves unpredictable.”
Uh huh. The cult has been joined by a church to fight the demons.
He said the church had a “critical role” to play in lobbying politicians on climate change in order to bring about manifesto commitments to reach the target of an 80% reduction in UK greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
I suspect that the Church Of England will lose quite a few people once they start preaching in church about “climate change”. People do not want politics in church. Especially dubious ones based on junk science.

Well that’s a relief. Global warming is a Moral Issue after all. It is not just an argument about data and computer models but about sinning — “greed, blindness and complacency”. Now the Church of England can demonstrate how to live a sinless carbon free live style. Finally, somebody is going to walk the walk. The Church must divest itself of the greedy dividend income from carbon producers stocks and they must cut back its own carbon use 80% like they want the government to support.
PS It is significant that the Church of England supports the concept of poverty for all peoples. The industrialized world should be more like the poverty peoples of the world. That means that all supporters of reducing CO2 should take a major pay cut so they cannot afford to buy into the fossil fuel supported economy.

Yes Teach and not only the COE but the Roman Catholic Church also has spoken out loudly about climate change. Why not be an equal religion hater and also mention them? Popemobile is now electric and the Vatican has gone total solar electricity.
People do not want politics in church ??? At one time the base of the GOP was highly religious. Remember when Bush told the US PArks Department they could not answer questions about the age of the Grand Canyon for fear of upsetting HIS base?
Conservatives were also upset when the COE pulled its investments out of South Africa because of aparthide Another instance of injecting politics into religion???
Before long, the Tea Party will stand alone as the only organization outside the Flat Earth Society to refuse to understand the science of global warming. Kudos.
The “Tea Party” is not some homogeneous group of people or even an homogeneous group of groups. People have tried to make like minded people fall under one banner of “The Tea Party,” but that has been resisted and because of that, there is no national “Tea Party” with a large base.
Secondly, the Tea Party (as in Taxed Enough Already Party) deals with taxes and governmental spending rather than issues such as AGW.
I have been to more than a few Tea Party events and rallies as well as get newsletters from Tea Party groups and cannot remember when I saw a statement or position from a Tea Party group on AGW.
So Jeffery is right.
“Kudos” are in order to him for once again displaying an enormous bias and ignorance of facts.
In other words, kudos to Jeffery for being the epitome of a liberal.
Middle class, White, conservative, Republican, Christians doing the bidding of the Koch Brothers, Dick Army and the rest of the Republican elites. It’s just a coincidence that to a person they refuse to understand science.
Seriously Jeffery, do you buy your ignorance at a 7-11 or do you get it delivered to your home in industrial sized containers?
Your last post is another epic example of simply having no clue what you are talking about.
BTW – figure out that ol’ Constitution and separation of powers thing yet?
further proof that a separation of church and government is a good thing. And further proof that the Church of England stopped being a religious organization founded around Jesus and the bible.
It is sad really that a major church, which could have had major world-wide reach for the betterment of christianity, has instead chosen to be worldly, political, and adopt a cult-mentality.
g2 typed: “BTW – figure out that ol’ Constitution and separation of powers thing yet?”
Please refresh my memory on what you’re talking about. You’re becoming much like d1 who asks the same questions over and over.
I’m not certain why a white, Republican, Christian minority – Tea Partiers – refuses to understand science.