Unsurprisingly, Democrats/Liberals/Progressives really love how Obama simply makes the law as he sees fit
(Fox News) According to a just-released Fox News national poll, most voters don’t think the country’s system of government was designed for the president to act unilaterally, and a majority disapproves of Obama bypassing Congress. (poll results here)
The new poll finds that 74 percent think the president using executive orders to get around Congress is not how things are supposed to work in our country. That includes 54 percent of Democrats.
Large majorities of independents (80 percent) and Republicans (93 percent) believe it goes against our system for the president to act independently to advance his policies.
The writing is kind of unclear. The question was “Barack Obama said he will take action to advance his policy goals with or without Congress, and that he’ll use executive orders to get around Congress. Do you think this is the way our government is supposed to work, or not?” It is a yes or no answer. 40% of Dems think this is the way government is supposed to work
Even when asked to set aside their views on how the government is supposed to work, by a wide 60-37 percent margin voters still disapprove of Obama going around Congress.
Almost all Republicans disapprove of Obama acting without lawmakers (90 percent), as do two-thirds of independents (66 percent).
Democrats approve by a 66-31 percent margin.
So, when we set aside that Constitution thingy, 66% of Dems approve. They should remember that they will not always control the Executive Branch.
BTW, other findings include 58% thinking the worst is still to come regarding the economy. 60% think Los Federales policies have increased income inequality. 65% of Independents disapprove of Obama’s job performance.