Two papers of note, both via The Hockey Schtick
New paper finds NE Atlantic Ocean was warmer during the Medieval Warm Period
A 1000-year sea surface temperature history of the NE Atlantic and Nordic Seas
Using ten proxy sea surface temperature (SST) records – six from the Norwegian Margin, three from the North Icelandic Shelf and one from the Scottish Margin – Cunningham et al. prepared a 1,000-year SST record spanning the period from AD 1000 to 2000, which revealed, in their words, “the ‘Medieval Climate Anomaly’ warming was most pronounced before AD 1200, with a long-term cooling trend apparent after AD 1250.” And what did the new record reveal about the uniqueness – or not! – of the region’s late-20th-century Current Warm Period? The twenty researchers report “in recent decades temperatures have been similar to those inferred for the ‘Medieval Climate Anomaly’.” However, their graphical representations (three versions of them) of the one-thousand-year period clearly indicate the peak warmth of the Current Warm Period has actually been a couple tenths of a degree C less than the earlier Medieval Warm Period.
As has been found to be the case in so many land-based assessments of the relative warmth of the Medieval and Current Warm Periods, there is nothing unusual, unnatural, or unprecedented about Earth’s current level of warmth … although it could be thought to be somewhat unusual in that, even with the 120-ppm increase in the atmosphere’s CO2 concentration that occurred over the last 1000 years, it is still not as hot now as it was back in the Medieval Warm Period.
Well, that’s strange, isn’t it? It almost seems like some other forces other than fossil fuels are in play, especially since 95% of the Warmist models have failed.
A paper published today in Geophysical Research Letters “challenges the widely accepted value of global sea level rise for the 20th century” and finds sea levels rose in the southern hemisphere at only about half the rate of the northern hemisphere. According to the authors, sea levels rose [relative to land] only 7.9 inches in the northern hemisphere and 4.3 inches over the entire 20th century.
Essentially, that would mean that sea rise in the Southern Hemisphere is well below the average for the last 7,000 years, which is the time period generally used for reference due to the massive rise from the end of the last glacial age leveling off. The average is 6-8 inches per century. Which means the rise for the Northern Hemisphere is well within the average. But, that average encompasses the warm and cool periods during the Holocene. During a warm period one would expect higher numbers, and low to negative numbers during cool periods. That’s how one derives an average.