Another horror story regarding Obamacare
(CBS Sacramento) A Sonora mechanic is in so much pain that he can barely walk, but he can’t seem to find a doctor to fix his ailing back after he and his wife switched their insurance coverage through Covered California. (snip)
He’s still working, despite the pain. But finding a surgeon to fix his back has turned into a full-time job of its own.
“We get this coverage and go to the best doctor to fix Chris, and they tell us we’re out of network,†said his wife Tammy.
In January, they transitioned from an Anthem Blue Cross Plan over to Blue Cross Covered California. She says they had to switch to avoid the premium skyrocketing, but didn’t realize their provider network would be smaller.
Much of the skyrocketing cost was planned in order to get people to switch to Covered California.
Tammy says she finally found an in-network doctor, but the problems don’t end there. We looked him up using the couple’s plan info, and the Blue Cross website shows him as in-network.
But that same doctor’s officer told Tammy he won’t see patients with insurance from Covered California.
That’s actually a big problem not just for California, but for many states, which list doctors and medical facilities as part of the networks, and then the doctors and medical facilities say “no, we’re not.” In California, roughly 70% of doctors stated that they would not accept Covered California insurance, particularly since the reimbursement rate is so low that they could operating at a loss.
Don’t worry, though, I’m sure there are some pain pills available. Well, once the high deductible is met. Perhaps he should walk into a hospital and claim he’s an illegal alien, as one of the folks in the story comments points out.
And, yes, I do feel sorry for him and his wife. You can blame this solely on Obama and the Democrats. No Republican voted for this mess. And, unfortunately, this will only get worse with more and more stories coming out.

The misery hasn’t even started yet. We can’t get stress test or many other exams that are necessary. All request are shuttled to foreign doctors to evaluate.
“If you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor.” Promise of Obama, liar-in