If only all those monks had put up solar panels, unplugged all their appliances when not in use, took 2 minute showers, stopped using hair dryers, and gave up their fossil fueled travel
(The Hockey Schtick) A recent paper published in Quaternary Science Reviews reconstructs temperatures in Tibet over the past 2,500 years and finds the Medieval Warm Period was warmer than the current warm period. According to the authors, their data indicate “warmer climatic conditions during the MWP than the current warm period.”
The authors find “the natural climate variability on the northern Tibetan Plateau during the late Holocene might be linked to solar irradiance changes on multi-decadal and centennial timescales.” The paper demonstrates there is nothing unusual, unnatural or unprecedented about either the timing or the degree of warming experienced by the northern Tibetan Plateau over the past century or so.
From the latest edition of the NIPCC Report:
A 2500-Year Temperature History of the Northern Tibetan Plateau
Oh, wait, my bad, Warmists say that previous warm periods were natural, but natural forces can only play an itty bitty tiny miniscule part in the current warm period.
(strange how virtually every reconstruction, along with the real raw data shows that the MWP was warmer than the Modern Warm Period, eh?)

Just one small clarification that was mentioned in the article but not stated in the post.
Florida has a statutory exemption for people with a permit to carry a weapon onto the property and leave the weapon in a locked vehicle. So by law this woman could have a weapon in her car while she worked inside the bank.
I agree that the bank or a business has the legal ability to say “no weapons on your person or in the building while you work,” but saying “no weapons on the property (including parking lots) is a stretch. Such a restriction would mean that the employer would effectively be saying the employee could not carry a weapon off the company property as part of their commute to work.
The issue one day will be that a person who has a permit but restricted from bringing the weapon into the actual workplace will be harmed in a robbery or an incident of workplace violence. Is the company then responsible as they created a situation where the employee was at greater risk?
Posted this in the wrong thread. Sorry!
You mean the oceans didn’t eat the heat back then? I’m shocked.
“Oh, wait, my bad, Warmists say that previous warm periods were natural, but natural forces can only play an itty bitty tiny miniscule part in the current warm period.”
Natural forces CAN be the complete cause of this current warming period, but they are not. It’s the CO2.
“(strange how virtually every reconstruction, along with the real raw data shows that the MWP was warmer than the Modern Warm Period, eh?)”
Global reconstructions since 1998 all show that the globe is warmer now than during the MWP. Note the recent PAGES 2K study and Marcott et al 2013.
So back then it was the strong sun radiance that caused the temp to go up. That is old news teach but now we have a weak dim sun and high temps what do you think the reason is that we have high temps now?
Gee, look, it’s warm because the data has been adjusted. For proof look no further than the Michael Mann saga. In legal proceedings in Virginia and Canada, Mann has refused to release the data behind the now flaccid “hockey stick”. In Canada the wait has been years. He soon will face the same problem here against Steyn. So the obvious question even to a third-grader would be- if the science is “settled”, why not show us the data? What a joke.