Funny stuff
(Daily Caller) The New York Times editorial board attacked skeptics of man-made global warming on Sunday by accusing them of financially benefitting from their opposition to more and stricter environmental regulations.
“Virtually everyone accepts the overwhelming evidence of human influence on climate change and the urgent need to address it, except for a handful of hardened skeptics and those who benefit financially from less regulation,†writes the Times’ editorial board.
The editorial itself revolves are the Supreme Court case regarding the EPA being sued over their draconian regulations for power plants, which I mentioned Monday.
While there are large amounts of money at stake in the global warming debate, the New York Times conveniently neglected to mention that there are people who stand to financially gain from government efforts to stem global warming.
“Given that the global warming proponents have a massive funding advantage, it is quite odd for the New York Times to assert — without evidence — that skeptics are ‘hardened’ or motivated by funding,†Marc Morano, publisher of the skeptic website Climate Depot, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
All sorts of Warmists, such as Al Gore, have significanly enriched themselves by pushing regulations and rules that affect Other People. Interestingly, Ralph Nader has wondered why these rich liberal Warmists don’t spend their own money pushing “climate change” rules. He wants 100 lobbyists, so, I guess pushing for Warmists to walk the talk is still out of the discussion.