Might this be the start of Warmists, who are primarily Leftists, linking “climate change” to the war on women? Na, this isn’t the first time they’ve trotted out a fable about how “climate change” harms women, the question is, why aren’t Warmists changing their own behavior so more women don’t get raped?
(Mother Jones) Global warming isn’t just going to melt the Arctic and flood our cities—it’s also going to make Americans more likely to kill each other.
That’s the conclusion of a controversial new study that uses historic crime and temperature data to show that hotter weather leads to more murders, more rapes, more robberies, more assaults, and more property crimes.
“Looking at the past, we see a strong relationship between temperature and crime,” says study author Matthew Ranson, an economist with policy consulting firm Abt Associates. “We think that is likely to continue in the future.”
Just how much more crime can we expect? Using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s warming projections, Ranson calculated that from 2010 to 2099, climate change will “cause” an additional “22,000 murders, 180,000 cases of rape, 1.2 million aggravated assaults, 2.3 million simple assaults, 260,000 robberies, 1.3 million burglaries, 2.2 million cases of larceny, and 580,000 cases of vehicle theft” in the US.
And if this occurs, we can directly blame Warmists for refusing to give up their fossil fueled lives and go “carbon neutral”.
Of course, there’s a third alternative—reining in the greenhouse gas emissions that are causing global warming in the first place.
Go for it, Warmists. Reign in your own GHG emissions. Otherwise you are perpetuating a rape culture.
Yet, rape went down during the warming times of late 70’s through 1999.

fortunately GHG emissions are decreasing we are down to about 1998 levels now and still dropping Thanks for helping out TEach !!