Monthly Archives: February 2014

Has The Over-selling Of “Climate Change” Hurt Science?

Well, that supposes that “climate change” is actually about science (Forbes)  Will the overselling of climate change lead to a new scientific dark age? That’s the question being posed in the latest issue of an Australian literary journal, Quadrant, by Garth Paltridge, one of the world’s most respected atmospheric scientists. Paltridge was a Chief Research […]

NJ Dem: No Proof That Christie Knew Of Lane Closures

Funny, after weeks of hyperventilation reporting and investigating (the same type not done for Obama scandals excepting a few reporters), no one has found a thing A New Jersey Democrat who’s leading a probe of a bridge traffic scandal that has engulfed Gov. Chris Christie said Sunday that he’s seen no evidence to support claims […]

If All You See…

…is a monument to capitalism and wasting Earth’s resources, putting vast amounts of carbon pollution in the atmosphere, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Lonely Conservative, with a post on Bill O’Reilly’s interview with Mr. Obama. Congratulations, Seahawks! BTW, why do Northwest liberals like to riot and burn […]

Whiny Warmists Plan Protests Across US Against Keystone XL

Which is hilarious, since much of the nation is going to be cold, and about a quarter of the nation will see snow today (UPI) A consortium of U.S. environmental groups said a chorus of voices will let President Obama know the Keystone XL oil pipeline “fails his climate test.” The Sierra Club, anti-Keystone group […]

Bummer: Immigration Judges Only Have Seven Minutes To Make A Decision

That’s probably about 5 more than is really needed. “Are you in the United States illegally? Yes? Goodbye”. But the Washington Post is Really Concerned about this “miscarriage of justice”, that illegals aren’t getting their fair time in court, that it takes, per the headline on the front page, about the same time as taking […]

Obamacare “Innovation Center” Testing Method Is A Mess

I know what you’re thinking: how could an idea born from the Affordable Care Act be a problem? (NY Times) The idea seemed transformative. The Affordable Care Act would fund a new research outfit evocatively named the Innovation Center to discover how to most effectively deliver health care, with $10 billion to spend over a […]

Rules For Watching The Super Bowl

This goes, really for watching almost all sports, but especially a championship game Ladies, imagine all you want to do is soak in a tub, with scented candles, soft music, the lights down low. No one is to bother you unless it is a category 5 issue. Yeah, that’s the way we feel about watching […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful tree sucking evil carbon pollution out of the atmosphere, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Junk Science, which notes just how much “warming” could be added by Keystone XL.

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another great day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Super Bowl will be played out, and feasting will commence. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 protein wisdom discusses Obama’s weaponization of government The Lonely […]

Is Obama An “Imperial President”?

There’s been quite a bit of discussion over Obama’s use of presidential authority: signing statements, executive orders, changing rules (many of which were established by his own administration), changing parts of laws, refusing to defend laws passed by the United States Congress, and generally just doing whatever he wants. The notion of Obama being an […]

Pirate's Cove