Remember, weather is not climate. Except when Warmists attempt to use it to prop up their dying, non-science cult
(ABC Australia) Australia has endured another summer of searing temperatures, with more than 150 weather records broken, a new report shows.
The Climate Council’s latest Angry Summer report analyses climate data from across the country for the 2013-2014 summer.
The report says Adelaide experienced 13 days above 40 degrees Celsius, including five days in a row above 42C.
And, of course,
Ms Hughes, a Macquarie University professor, says the weather patterns are clearly due to climate change and governments need to address it as an issue.
“It’s consistent with the predictions of what happens as the globe warms up.
“Climate change is making the whole weather system different to what it used to be and along with that is an increase in extreme events.”
Professor Tim Flannery from the council says more heatwaves and other extreme weather are on the cards.
“The job now is to limit the damage to make sure we’re not seeing half the summer over 35 degrees as the scientists are projecting and make sure that we can adapt to the changes that have happened so far,” he said.
Australia is just 5% of the Earth’s surface. When it’s cold weather and snow, we’re told that it is just a tiny percentage covered, so no big deal. When it is hot, well, doom. And if you search Google or other news, you’ll see this story about the records is being pimped all over the place. But, when it’s snow, no biggie. There have been lots of March cold weather/snow records broken. We’ve seen lots of winter weather/snow records set for the 2013-2014 season, for January, for February, along with lots being in the top 10 or higher for cold and snow this winter. We also saw this last year, especially for the spring. Across much of the Northern Hemisphere nations had no spring last year. Just a never-ending winter, with spring-like temps during the summer, particularly in Europe and the Middle East. There was snow in Cairo this winter, for goodness sakes. And more than usual in much of the Middle East.
None of this proves that the Earth is heading into a cool period. It could. There might be a return to the cool type periods that have occurred throughout the Holocene. It might be the beginning of a cooling similar to the 1940’s through late 1970’s. Or, a continuation of the statistically insignificant rise since 1997. Or zero change. Or, warming might start again, as it has off and on throughout the Modern Warm Period. We do not know. But, whatever happens, it is mostly/solely not anthropogenic. And that is the crux of the debate, whether or not climatic changes are anthropogenic. The cold and snow, which has been coming back to much of the world over the past 6 winters (and springs), along with the Pause has blown out the computer models and talking points Warmists use. Hence their change to blaming snow and cold on “climate change” and/or making up other excuses, such as the deep ocean eating their warming (without proof).

Doesn’t Australia have a carbon tax? If so, maybe that is the reason for better weather (joke).