…is an evil plastic water bottle, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Capitalist Preservation, with a post wondering if Harry Reid is a liar or senile (why not both?)

…is an evil plastic water bottle, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Capitalist Preservation, with a post wondering if Harry Reid is a liar or senile (why not both?)
It’s not just the water bottle. The cushion she’s leaning against and that wristband she’s wearing also contain eeeeevil plastic. And all those reclining chairs are made of wood, which means that some eeeeevil people must have (gasp!) cut down a whole bunch of CO2-eating trees and thus caused deforestation. Oh, the horror!
Lookout! Orange hospital bands mean venereal disease. Or, she just likes the color orange. Either way, it’s not worth it.
If you see a nearly naked teen-age girl and you think she’s “asking for it”, you just might be Robert Stacey McCain or Teach, who cites McCain.
Jeffery is attacking a post by Teach on the enabling of people to sexually assault and rape kids. The post is based on an article by Stacey McCain.
In attacking the article, the post and the writers through another one of Jeffery’s (in)famous strawmen, one can only conclude that Jeffery is against the position stated in the post.
That position is that there is an increase of rapes and sexual assaults by women against boys and that increase and rape is horrible. But Jeffery is against the post and the article.
The conclusion is inescapable: Jeffery supports the rape of kids by adults.
I find it ironic that liberals such as Jeff push for sexualizing women, including young teens, yet have a problem showing a beautiful woman in a bikini.
How am I and other liberals sexualizing young teens?
The addled gitar is back in bizarro world, where the Sun orbits the Earth. The odious McCain blames rape on female sexuality.
And Jeffery has to lie again to try and make someone look bad.
Awwww,,,, poor Jeffery. It must suck to believe that zero equals two. It must suck to not be able to read and understand what you are reading. It must suck to think that states can regulate something because of the US Constitution. It must suck to read an article (assuming that he even read the article) and come out with an understanding opposite of what was said.
But that is Jeffery.
Poor little Jeffery. No morals. No education. No class.
Oh, and by the way Jeffery, Al Gore and you are still hypocrites in the AGW debate and your unwillingness of you, Gore and people of your ilk to change your lifestyle shows that your talk about AGW is bluster and that you don’t actually believe what you type.
Actions speak louder than words Jeffery.
Let’s see
Instead of seeing a lovely woman, you immediately thought of her as nearly naked, and extremely young, sexualizing her.
Of course, you pimping pictures of teenage girls in bikinis is not sexualizing them, but me pointing it out, is. If you make money off your blog that kind of makes you an abusive pimp, doesn’t it? Making money off those girls but not paying them. You’re kind of like a poor man’s Larry Flynt, except prettier.
Are women only of value if young, fit and nearly nude?
Do you agree with the odious Stacey McCain that women who really enjoy sex invite rape?
[…] Pirate’s Cove: If All You See… […]
Once again, we see the immaturity of Jeffery and his hypocrisy.
It it a shame the the alleged grandfather Jeffery can’t see a woman without thinking of her as nothing but a sexual being. One must wonder what trauma he may have inflicted on his female children and his female grandchildren. How utterly creepy and deviant it must be for an old man to only see woman and girls in a sexual way.
In the real world, Jeffery would be labeled a pervert. In his world, his sexualization and sexual desires for any woman he sees is acceptable.
And once again Jeffery must lie to make a strawman argument as McCain said nothing of the sort.
As one of the commenters on the McCain sitre says, McCain’s article could have been entitled “Why Feminists Love Female Pedophilesâ€
Amazingly, Jeffery misses that thrust of the article and instead is against the idea that pedophiles are a blight on society and take advantage of young people, robbing them of there childhood and their innocence.
Being that Jeffery misses the point of the post and takes a shot at McCain for being against pedophiles, the only conclusion is that Jeffery must support pedophiles.
Oh, and by the way Jeffery, Al Gore and you are still hypocrites in the AGW debate and your unwillingness of you, Gore and people of your ilk to change your lifestyle shows that your talk about AGW is bluster and that you don’t actually believe what you type.
Actions speak louder than words Jeffery.
Is it difficult to type with Teach’s manhood in your mouth? I’m sure he appreciates your service. I thought I was insulting you when I told you to “suck it”. Turns out it was just encouragement!
Accusations of sexual abuse are best made in person. Teach can give you my contact information here in St. Louis.
For the record: At least 97% of astrophysicists agree that the Earth orbits the Sun. As you point out, that in itself does not “prove” that the Earth orbits the Sun, although it is more evidence.
Poor Jeffery….. caught projecting again.
There is nothing that you can say that insults me Jeffery for the simple reason that for an insult to be effective first it must have a basis of truth and we know you have issues with the truth. Secondly, for the insult to matter, it should come from someone that is respected. That lets you out by a mile as I could never respect a liar, hypocrite, and deviant who lacks maturity such as you do.
I just wonder why you would latch onto a post against rape and say that you are against the post? Perhaps you can explain why if you are against the post why that doesn’t mean that you are for rape?
Finally, perhaps 97% of astrophysicists do believe that the earth orbits the sun. That would be contrary to what liberals believe, but that doesn’t bother you. Even so, 100% of scientists and mathematicians know that 2 does not equal zero as you believe.
Oh, and by the way Jeffery, Al Gore and you are still hypocrites in the AGW debate and your unwillingness of you, Gore and people of your ilk to change your lifestyle shows that your talk about AGW is bluster and that you don’t actually believe what you type.
Actions speak louder than words Jeffery.
[…] Pirate’s Cove: If All You See… […]