Monthly Archives: March 2014

Krauthammer: Hardship Exemption Essentially Cancels Mandate

You’ve probably heard about this one by now: Team Obama has changed the hardship exemption rules (WSJ) But amid the post-rollout political backlash, last week the agency created a new category: Now all you need to do is fill out a form attesting that your plan was cancelled and that you “believe that the plan […]

How’d Pushing Climate Change Work For Dems In Fla-13?

Well, I’m sure by now you know that Nancy Pelosi compatriot Alex Sink lost (Forbes) The national media this morning are calling Democrat Alex Sink’s surprise defeat in a bellwether special Congressional election yesterday a foreboding referendum on Obamacare. Perhaps this is so, but only slightly less noteworthy is Sink supporters’ failed attempt to turn […]

If All You See…

…is some evil dude driving an evil fossil fueled machine which creates hot snow, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with post on racism as the driving force in liberal politics.

Bummer: “Climate Change” Still Ranks Near Bottom Of American’s Concerns

Warmists have been pushing this issue for 25+ years. They’ve spent God-knows how much money, both private and public, pushing “climate change” awareness, attending conferences, preaching, etc, and they’ve browbeat people on a constant basis, yet this is what they’ve accomplished (Gallup) Twenty-eight U.S. senators held an all-night “talkathon” Monday to call attention to climate […]

What Does It Cost To Rent A Democrat Senator?

It works out to around $238,000 per hour (NRSC) How much does it cost to rent the Senate floor (and 30 United States Senators) for 24 hours? By the looks of it, more than $100 million.  Last night, the majority of Democrats engaged in a so-called, “talk-a-thon” to protest climate change and advocate for policies […]

Obama Will Supposedly Change Rules On Executive Overtime Pay

Is this a good thing or a bad thing? (NY Times) President Obama this week will seek to force American businesses to pay more overtime to millions of workers, the latest move by his administration to confront corporations that have had soaring profits even as wages have stagnated. On Thursday, the president will direct the […]

Whew! Another Moonbat Article Describing How To Talk To A Denier

Personally, I recommend starting out with a discussion of how you’ve changed your own life, rather than by using a word comparing people who do not believe that anthropogenic forces are mostly/solely causing hotcoldwetdry How to Talk to a Climate Change Denier The contest is joined. On one side there is the near-unanimous conclusion of […]

Bummer: “Climate Change” To Reduce Surfing Waves

This article brought to you by computer models and idiocy (Guardian) Researchers have warned surfers that climate change will significantly reduce the number of large waves off Australia’s east coast in the coming decades. The research found that an increase in greenhouses gases will cut the number of days with large ocean waves more than […]

If All You See…

…is a world killing plastic bottle of water, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on libs wanting to ban the word “bossy”. PS: as I note now and then when mentioning plastic water bottles, this issue may be typical Warmist hysteria, but they […]

Feedly, The Best Feedreader

With the demise of Google Reader, people, including myself, scrambled for new feedreaders. First, a quick explanation of what a feedreader does, for those unaware. A good chunk of websites have what is called RSS, Really Simply Syndication/Rich Site Summery. There are various types of RSS feeds, RSS, RSS2, Atom, and others. They can syndicated […]

Pirate's Cove