Monthly Archives: March 2014

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. This pinup is by Edward D’Ancona, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 Scared Monkeys discusses Rand Paul winning the CPAC straw poll Patterico highlights some guy saying a president shouldn’t take all […]

What Say To An “Individual Shared Responsibility Payment” To The IRS?

Of course this must be about Obamacare (Townhall) Here’s your Orwellian Phrase for the Week: Individual shared responsibility payment. Yeah… Go ahead and try to wrap your brain around that amalgamation of contradictory concepts. The phrase is not gleamed from some glossy DNC spin-office, or a Harvard professor’s latest psychobabble posing as an academic paper. […]

Las Vegas Casino Workers May Strike Thanks To Obamacare

Why? The costs imposed by Obamacare (Buzzfeed)  Contract negotiations are stalled for thousands of workers at casinos on the Strip and in downtown Las Vegas to the point where they may go on strike — and the sticking point is Obamacare. On Feb. 20, thousands of housekeepers, porters, cooks, cocktail servers, and others represented by […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled airplane, causing islands to tip over from sea rise, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on Piers Morgan and the Duke U. porn star student.

We’re Saved: Senate Dems Plan All-Nighter To Yap About Hotcoldwetdry

Funny that they’ve waited till now to do this, rather than during the very cold and snowy previous two months (WSJ) Most of the Senate’s recent late-nighters have been courtesy of Republicans, with GOP lawmakers seizing the floor to talk about unmanned drones or the new health law, to name two topics that claimed a […]

Atheists Still Working Hard To Exclude 9/11 Cross From Museum

They’ve been pushing this issue for years, ever since they learned that the 9/11 cross would be a part of the museum. As far back as 2011 they filed a lawsuit to stop the inclusion. Why? The typical silly argument about a cross being on government land, and because they might be offended. Mostly because […]

Syria, Other Middle East Nations Take Advantage Of Obama Weakness

If your foreign policy is one of weakness, of inattention, of fantasy, what do you think will happen? (Washington Post) Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is taking advantage of the rift between Russia and the United States over Ukraine to press ahead with plans to crush the rebellion against his rule and secure his reelection for […]

Warmist Wants A Revolution To Kill Off Capitalism

This is exactly why I attack “climate change”, ie, the notion that every change in the weather is caused by Mankind’s release of CO2, primarily from fossil fueled vehicles, from a political position, with a smattering of science and data: because the issue is primarily political, pushed by hardcore leftists to enact a hardcore leftist […]

If All You See…

…are awesome trees sucking carbon pollution from the atmosphere, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Camp Of The Saints, with a post on the revolution in America. PS: This was another picture a friend bet I could not do a Warmist post with.

Obama To Give Speech To Kids Telling Them To Take On More Debt

CNN is heavily focused on whether or not Obama will take a long weekend vacation, without mentioning that the Ocean Reef Club is meant for the uber-rich which Obama demonizes, and works hard to say “hey, the guy deserves it!!!!!” But there are two other nuggets in the article which are wee more important (CNN) At […]

Pirate's Cove