March 7, 2014 – 9:20 am
I blame you for driving a fossil fueled vehicle to work after taking a long shower (USA Today) Â As of Tuesday, North America is covered by the third-highest amount of snow this late in the season since records began in 1966, according to NOAA’s U.S. National Ice Center. Only 1969 and 1978 had more snow […]
March 7, 2014 – 8:28 am
As usual, the hardcore enviro-weenies/Warmists are on the wrong side of the debate (Politico) Nearly two-thirds of Americans back the construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, according to a new poll. Sixty-five percent of Americans say Keystone should be approved and 22 percent are opposed, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Republicans […]
March 7, 2014 – 8:11 am
Wasn’t the stated purpose of the “Affordable” Care Act to make sure that the 30-45 million Americans without health insurance receive health insurance? How’s that working out? (Washington Post) The new health insurance marketplaces appear to be making little headway in signing up Americans who lack insurance, the Affordable Care Act’s central goal, according to […]
March 6, 2014 – 3:49 pm
Consider "We have been mobilizing the international community to condemn this violation of international law" —Obama on the situation in #Ukraine — White House Archived (@ObamaWhiteHouse) March 6, 2014 President Obama: "We have taken steps to reaffirm our commitment to the security and democracy of our allies in Eastern Europe." #Ukraine — WH Live (Archived) […]
March 6, 2014 – 2:24 pm
Interestingly, all the solutions advanced by Warmists are political ones based on Doing Something to Other People. Rarely do they involved practical application of their talking points to their own lives (Guardian) Devastating extreme weather including recent flooding in England, Australia’s hottest year on record and the US being hit by a polar vortex have […]
March 6, 2014 – 1:00 pm
…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle causing cold and snow winters from GHGs, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Last Tradition, with a post on the Crimean parliament voting to be part of Russia.
March 6, 2014 – 9:57 am
Having solved all of the world’s problems, Obama has turned his laser like focus towards income inequality. The White House has been send out tweets "This is not about politics. This is about common sense." —President Obama on why it's time to #RaiseTheWage: — White House Archived (@ObamaWhiteHouse) March 6, 2014 Will $10.10/hour pay […]
March 6, 2014 – 8:44 am
While a bunch of whiny athletes (who took long fossil fueled trips to Sochi) whined about “climate change” and so many made a big deal about the 2014 Games being “carbon neutral” (they gave it a shot considering how often the water, toilets, electricity, and heating failed to work), here’s the real legacy (Fox News) […]
March 6, 2014 – 8:20 am
Quick, someone tell Harry Reid about this, as well as all the other Democrats who think Ocare only causes flowers to grow in unicorn laden fields. Especially tell NC Senator Kay Hagan, who voted for this abhorrent law (WRAL) After years of having its budget squeezed by state budget cuts and rising enrollments, the University […]
March 5, 2014 – 4:32 pm
I bet Hillary or whoever will be the Democrat presidential nominee loves hering this (AP) The Obama administration will allow a two-year extension for people whose individual health insurance policies don’t comply with requirements of the new health care law, helping to defuse a politically difficult election-year issue for Democrats. A government official familiar with […]