Monthly Archives: March 2014

If All You See…

…is a tent needed to stop the mega-heat from turning earth saving trees into benches, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Lonely Conservative, with a post on Ezekial Emanuel looking forward to the demise of insurance companies.

LOL: Thomas Friedman Wants Carbon Tax To Scare Putin

No, seriously, in an op-ed piece discussing why Putin doesn’t respect us (BTW, it’s not really the US Putin doesn’t respect, it’s Obama and the pusillanimous, yap yap but no action folks who work for him) (NY Times) I don’t want to go to war with Putin, but it is time we expose his real […]

Are You Excited To Learn About Health Code V9542XA?

You should, because it’s part of the increase from 17,000 health codes to 155,000 (Weekly Standard) Ever considered suicide by jellyfish? Have you ended up in the hospital after being injured during the forced landing of your spacecraft? Or been hurt when you were sucked into the engine of an airplane or when your horse-drawn […]

Robert Gates: Stop Being Mean To Obama Regarding Ukraine

Robert Gates deserves our attention and our respect, but I think he’s missed a few things (Washington Post) As the Ukraine crisis deepened, Sen. John McCain responded by criticizing President Obama’s “feckless” foreign policy, while Sen. Lindsey Graham called Obama “a weak and indecisive president [who] invites aggression.” These sharp comments brought to mind a […]

A Pause In Warming Doesn’t Disprove Human Caused Hotcoldwetdry Or Something

Of course not. Because there are no mechanisms built in to “climate change” that allow for the hypothesis to be invalidated A pause in global warming does not disprove a human role in climate change A pause in the pace of global warming does not invalidate research that links climate change to human activity, national […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle which No One Else should be allowed to drive, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Right Wing News, with the 2013 RWN Conservative Website Awards.

Sarah Palin Discusses Obama’s Mom Jeans And Equivocation On Russia

A bit of red meat (Mediaite) Sarah Palin sat down with Sean Hannity Monday night for a victory lap of sorts, touting her 2008 comments about Russia capitalizing on a weak Barack Obama presidency to amass power. Palin believed she was vindicated, saying Russia exploited “Obama’s weak leadership.” She said, “Anybody who carries the common-sense […]

Team Obama May Announce New Obamacare Delay

And it’s all about attempting to protect Democrats for the mid-terms New ObamaCare delay to help Democrats in midterm elections The Obama administration is set to announce another major delay in implementing the Affordable Care Act, easing election pressure on Democrats. As early as this week, according to two sources, the White House will announce […]

Whiny People Sue Over Cross Shaped Memorial In Maryland

Why? Because they’re “offended”, and we wouldn’t want an itty bitty tiny number of people to be offended, so they have to ruin it for everyone (Fox News) A humanist advocacy group has filed a federal lawsuit to remove a cross-shaped World War I memorial in Prince George’s County, alleging the display violates the First […]

Bummer: Kay Hagan’s Approval Ratings Continue To Drop

I’m guessing her nuanced position on Obamacare and voting in lockstep with Obama is not working out so well (WRAL) While President Barack Obama, Gov. Pat McCrory and U.S. Sen. Richard Burr all saw slight improvements in voters’ rating of their job performance in the latest Elon University Poll, U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan continued a […]

Pirate's Cove