Monthly Archives: March 2014

Bummer: West Nile Virus Could Be Your Neighbor, Cause “Climate Change”

We’re doomed or something, so says Time’s resident climahysteric, Bryan Walsh Thanks to Climate Change, West Nile Virus Could Be Your New Neighbor Invasive species aren’t just species—they can also be pathogens. Such is the case with the West Nile virus. A mosquito-borne virus identified in the West Nile subregion in Uganda in 1937—hence the […]

If All You See…

…is extreme weather caused by Someone Else refusing to replace their fossil fueled vehicle with a bicycle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is House Of Eratosthenes, with a post on Force not being Freedom. Continuing the classic type photos (I have a whole bunch, so this will continue through […]

Strange: Lots Of Sub-zero Days Across The Country

How could this possibly happen? A sub-zero day is defined as one where the temperature drops below zero at some point during the day. All this comes via the Weather Channel International Falls, Minn. Number of subzero days this winter: 70 through Feb. 28 This ties the all-time record for the period of Dec. 1 […]

You’re In Good (Liberal Activist) Hands, NYC

Mayor Bill De Blasio is taking a page from the Obama administration, and surrounding himself with hardcore liberal activists rather than people with real knowledge about running a city. Even the NY Times notices De Blasio Picks More Liberal Activists Than Managers for City Posts In Bill de Blasio’s City Hall, it seems more and […]

Obama: Russia Needs To Stop Being Big Meanies, Then Heads For A Fundraiser

So, Obama called a for a quick statement, then showed up late, as usual. People who show up late aren’t particularly trust-worthy. But, maybe it makes him feel special and powerful. In reality, it shows a profound lack of respect. Anyhow (The Hill) President Obama warned Friday there “will be costs” if Russian takes military […]

Pirate's Cove