Monthly Archives: March 2014

Romney: “Able leaders anticipate events…”

In 2008 another wise man said: “The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.” Too bad Obama is receiving an F, because he makes America look bad (WSJ) Why, across the world, are America’s hands so tied? A large part of the answer is our leader’s terrible timing. In virtually every foreign-affairs […]

If All You See…

…is some sort of evil processed meat, probably linked to GMO, adding to the carbon footprint of evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Betsy’s Page, as she cruises the web.

Climate Mom Considered Setting Herself On Fire

Because we’re all doomed from “carbon pollution” or something (via Climate Depot) (Oregon Live) What do you do when everything is wrong and your tribe’s catatonic? A Tunisian man set himself on fire in 2010 and sparked an international movement. Don’t tell my family, but I’ve considered that route. I mean, wouldn’t any parent sacrifice […]

Bummer: Marijuana Is Really Bad For “Climate Change”

Of course, pretty much everything of Mankind’s is Bad for climate change, according to Warmists. Gumball Brains emailed me a picture the other day, showing that Pirate’s Cove appears on a map in the Lego Movie. What are Lego’s made from? ABS plastic, which includes coal and petroleum hydrocarbon, so, yeah, fossil fuels, bad for […]

We Trashed The Health System For A Supposed 5 Million Enrollments?

HHS is thrilled with themselves As this historic open enrollment period enters its final weeks, millions of Americans are finding quality, affordable coverage thanks to the Affordable Care Act.  Fernando Valdez and Denise Schroeder were part of a weekend wave of consumers signing up for new coverage and bringing enrollment nationwide to more than 5 […]

NASA: Earth Is Going To Burn By 2099

This isn’t exactly new, NASA pimped it in September, 2013, but hardcore progressive/Warmist site RYOT is pimping this as “terrifying“. Oh, and just happens to want you to donate to the National Resources Defense Council. I had to make it a bit small to fit on the page. The left shows if CO2 reaches 550ppm […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible rising sea because someone drank CO2 infused beer, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Capitalist Preservation, with a big post on St. Paddy’s Day.

Obama Blew Off Ukraine National Security Briefing

I quick interlude from all the climate change posts (I have several more in the hopper for today): as liberals complain that conservatives are undercutting Obama on dealing with Putin, calling Obama weak, feckless, and so on, remember this (Yahoo News) President Barack Obama’s national security team discussed the Ukraine crisis in a session at […]

“Unusually Late” Winter Storm Buries D.C.

Good thing the Senate Warmists held their little sleepover last Monday. This is bit of a delay in the Gore Effect (USA Today) A winter storm slammed the mid-Atlantic early Monday, dumping at least seven inches of snow on Washington, D.C., forcing the federal government to shut down and disrupting travelers at area airports. National […]

Civilization Is Doomed From “Climate Change” Or Something

But not immediately. It “could” happen sometime in the future (Huffington Post) Civilisation is almost inevitably doomed, a Nasa-funded study has found. Human society is founded on a level of economic and environmental stability which almost certainly cannot be sustained, it said. The study used simplified models of civilisation designed to experiment with the balance […]

Pirate's Cove