April 1, 2014 – 4:23 pm
About as doomy as one would expect professional doomsayers to prognosticate (UK Register) The summary for policymakers alone is 44 pages and the full report contains 1,552, so it’s necessary to be rather brief in this initial report on the newly-released documents. Later analysis is the place to go deeper. Let’s start with the summary’s […]
April 1, 2014 – 1:00 pm
…is a horrible CO2 infused beer causing lakes to rise up, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Datechguy’s Blog, with a post on building a green town.
April 1, 2014 – 12:36 pm
This isn’t satire, but it should be (Grist) The state’s cap-and-trade program has raised nearly $1.7 billion so far. About 40 percent of proceeds are earmarked to be spent on clean energy initiatives, while the rest will be distributed to small utility customers through various programs, helping offset any increase in electricity prices. Residential customers of the state’s investor-owned […]
April 1, 2014 – 11:11 am
This is not from The Onion (CNS News) Following several years of “constructive dialog” with the LGBT community, the U.S. Justice Department is now training law enforcement officers on how to better understand and help the “transgender community” “It’s clear that such training is as necessary as it is overdue,” Associate Attorney General Tony West […]
April 1, 2014 – 7:20 am
And, if so, will Kathleen Sebelius re-change her mind about 7 million being important? Better yet, will they pay? (Fox News) On the last day to sign up for ObamaCare, the health care overhaul was reportedly on track to sign up more than 7 million Americans for insurance coverage, though the number of enrollees who […]
April 1, 2014 – 6:51 am
Why would they do this? In Government World, why not? They have nothing better to do (Fox News) Beer brewers are objecting to a proposed federal rule that would make it harder for breweries to sell leftover grains as animal feed instead of throwing them away. The Food and Drug Administration rule change would mean […]