A bit of housekeeping, I’ve temporarily disabled the Gigya WordPress plugin. It seemed to be significantly slowing down the loading of the site, and not just what you see. The admin panel was also really slow, and also created an issue with the “New Post” module, where the Text editor did not provide the buttons, and attempting to add a link using the Visual Editor caused the post to be discarded and a new one started.
I doubt many of you use it, I implemented it to allow people to login using various social media credentials. Interestingly, those buttons still seem to be showing up in individual posts. Could be from something else. Can’t remember. No time to investigate at the moment, gotta run.

Try the Janrain plugin – you won’t have any issues :)
I might give that a shot. Weirdly, the buttons to login using different social media still show up right above where it says “Trackbacks/Pingbacks”