April 21, 2014 – 5:06 pm
Warmists are finally acknowledging what Skeptics have known: there has been no statistically significant warming in over 17 years, closing in on 18 years. They’ve trotted out lots of excuses: this one is a conglomeration of several, with a twist that makes it #11 (doing this from my Droid, so I can’t ‘shop it at […]
April 21, 2014 – 3:24 pm
Here’s Obama’s “smart power” in action (Japan Today) When President Barack Obama travels abroad, sometimes it’s not enough for just the leader of the free world to show up. People in other countries want the first lady, too. But Michelle Obama won’t join her husband when he heads to Asia next week, and her absence […]
April 21, 2014 – 1:00 pm
…are wonderful trees helping to suck evil carbon pollution from the atmosphere, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Lady Liberty 1885, with a post on cursing for Clay Aiken.
April 21, 2014 – 10:58 am
Via Jo Nova, who notes It’s another pious scientist. Sigh. Why do good researchers sometimes throw their professional standards to the wind (or in this case, just blow them right up?) Fiona Stanley has done great work in the prevention of spina bifida with folic acid, and with indigenous health problems. The new big state […]
April 21, 2014 – 7:42 am
You know, because tolerance. But, in Liberal World tolerance is a one way street, and you will be made to care. And comply. Free association and free thought are Not Allowed (Daily Caller) California is proposing to ban members of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) from serving as judges because the Boy Scouts do […]
April 21, 2014 – 7:00 am
I predict David Brooks will be forced to give some sort of grovelling apology by the end of the day, possibly before noon, especially when liberals start race-baiting him. The NY Times columnist appeared on Meet The Press, answering a question on the Ukraine situation (Mediaite) “Basically, since Yalta, we’ve had an assumption that borders […]