May 1, 2014 – 3:58 pm
More and more, scientists are escaping from the climate change compound, and are speaking truth to power (Delhi Daily News) In a surprising development, a former NASA scientist on Monday described global warming as “nonsense” saying that it is “absolutely stupid” to blame human activity for the recent floods in the UK. “It’s absolutely stupid […]
May 1, 2014 – 1:00 pm
…is an evil greenhouse gas spewing refrigerator, which should be restricted in developing nations, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Pam Geller, with a post on Subway removing ham and bacon from their U.K. stores, thanks to Islamists.
May 1, 2014 – 11:44 am
All time!!!!!!! (Business Green) “Climate change is not, in the Foreign Secretary’s words, the biggest challenge of our time, it’s the biggest challenge of all time.” Those were the words last night of Sir David King, erstwhile chief scientist and current Foreign Office adviser on climate change. He was speaking at the annual Chairman’s Dinner […]
May 1, 2014 – 9:19 am
But don’t say that Progressives hate free speech, because they’ll tell you to shut up (Moscow-Pullman Daily News) You printed a letter to the editor titled “Not all the facts are in on climate change” (April 26). At the least, that headline should have read, “Reader still doubts evidence on climate change.” Better yet, climate […]
May 1, 2014 – 8:06 am
Regardless of what your opinion of Rush Limbaugh is, when he makes pronouncements, he tends to be way more often than not. When he says “don’t doubt me on this”, he tends to be right. And said pronouncements aren’t usually the easy. common sense, “well, sure, of course” type ones. Here’s another (The Blaze) Following […]
May 1, 2014 – 7:33 am
In the US Senate, Democrats are planning a push for a Constitutional amendment to overrule the Citizens United case (via Hot Air) (The Hill) Senate Democrats will schedule a vote this year on a constitutional amendment to reform campaign finance as they face tens of millions of dollars worth of attack ads from conservative groups. […]