Healthcare costs are often a sticky point when it comes to union contracts. I can specifically recall several contract negotiations for a company with over 180k employees in recent years, over moving employees from standard plans to Health Care Savings accounts. Now this same thing is playing out, and the higher costs are thanks solely to Ocare
(Fox News) Disputes between unions and employers over paying for new costs associated with the Affordable Care Act are roiling labor talks nationwide.
Unions and employers are tussling over who will pick up the tab for new mandates, such as coverage for dependent children to age 26, as well as future costs, such as a tax on premium health plans starting in 2018. The question is poised to become a significant point of tension as tens of thousands of labor contracts covering millions of workers expire in the next several years, with ACA-related cost increases ranging from 5 percent to 12.5 percent in current talks.
In Philadelphia, disagreement over how much workers should contribute to such health-plan cost increases has stalled talks between the region’s transit system and its main union representing 5,000 workers as they try to renegotiate a contract that expired in March.
Roughly 2,000 housekeepers, waiters and others at nine of 10 downtown Las Vegas casinos voted this month to go on strike June 1 if they don’t reach agreements on a series of issues, the thorniest of which involve new ACA-related cost increases, according to the Unite Here union. (snip)
One pressure point is the higher costs of new mandates, especially the requirement that health plans expand coverage for dependents. For Unite Here, adding that coverage for 14,000 dependents raised costs in the health-care fund run by the union’s Las Vegas local by $26 million since 2011, said union spokeswoman Bethany Khan.
We should feel no sympathy for the union employees, since they overwhelmingly voted for and supported Obama and Democrats. This is so typical of Leftists, as I explain in the Someone Else post: they want all the positive benefits of their policies, but refuse to allow themselves to be burdened with the negative consequences. Let’s remember what is one of the top quotes of 2013
Both of the California residents “vote independent and are proud to say they helped elect and re-elect President Barack Obama,†according to the San Jose Mercury News. They also both anticipated their rates would go up, just not so drastically.
“Of course, I want people to have health care, I just didn’t realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally,†Vinson said.
Waschura said he was “laughing†at House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Republicans until he got his new rates in the mail.
It’s so often other people who pay the price for Liberal policies. If there are strikes in the above, it will be citizens visiting Vegas and trying to get to work in Philly who will suffer.

My premiums went up, and has gone up each and every year. I have to cover that expense. Union members should to.
Esp in light that their leadership actively campaigned and supported and activised for Obama in both elections. Many were on the clock while rounding up voters taking them to the polls.
Really no matter if someone doesn’t be aware of then its up to other people that they will assist, so here
it takes place.
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Gummie of course your premiums have gone up, and like you said they have gone up EVERY year with or without ACA. However a quick google will show that they are now going up at a slower rate than before. It is now at a HISTORICAL LOW rate of increase.
This lower rate of increase is happening when MILLIONS more Americans are now covered by health insurance. Catastrophic healthcare costs are the #1 cause of personal bankruptcy in the USA
At a lower rate? Really??
Over the last 5 years my insurance costs have not increased one penny. In fact, a few years ago we all got rebates because costs were lower than expected.
However, this year I now have higher premiums. where I had no deductible I now have a $500 deductible. Where I had no co pays I now have co pays. Where I paid, at most, $300 to $500 a year out of pocket I will now pay $1000 to $2000 a year out of pocket. Our insurance company also warned us that this is just the beginning as what we have is considered a ‘Cadillac plan’ that our rates will significantly increase when the tax kicks in or that they will be forced to stop offering insurance at all. If I am forced into the exchanges to purchase insurance, that $2000 max out of pocket will go to around $20,000 a year with my wife’s health problems.
J, before, my premiums went up only every so often to keep pace with inflation.
ACA started a few years ago. Many other healthcare laws and regs started before that, thanks a Democrat controlled Congress and then to a RINO house and a DEM senate.
Now, every year, my premiums are going up.
And J, because more people are sucking off the govt teet by getting subsidies, does not mean that there are more paying members to an insurance pool.
J, before, my premiums went up only every so often to keep pace with inflation.
ACA started a few years ago. Many other healthcare laws and regs started before that, thanks a Democrat controlled Congress and then to a RINO house and a DEM senate.
Now, every year, my premiums are going up.
And J, because more people are sucking off the govt teet by getting subsidies, does not mean that there are more paying members to an insurance pool.
Unions are Un-American!