I installed and activated a new spam blocking plugin. Interestingly, there is not one spam comment in the WordPress spam folder. However, is this stopping people from commenting? Send me an email or tweet me at @WilliamTeach.
Recent Comments
- Doom and Gloom on Conservative Groups Sues Washington Over Late Release Of Climate (scam) Reports: “Speaking of this. Alert incoming. Microsoft has been adding spyware to your computer that you need to know about. This…” Jan 23, 07:59
- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Nice… ICE arrested 308 illegal migrants, including an attempted murderer and a child molester, during raids in and around sanctuary…” Jan 22, 17:38
- drowningpuppies on Democratic NC AG Sues Trump Over Birthright EO: “Six outlandish rhetorical questions in a row. Not a record but close. Come up for air once in a while,…” Jan 22, 17:20
- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Kicking ass and taking names… All the so-called “detailees” from federal agencies and departments to the National Security Council (NSC)…” Jan 22, 15:53
- Professor Hale on Democratic NC AG Sues Trump Over Birthright EO: “There is a good argument to be made that people who illegaly invade the USA are NOT subjecting themselves to…” Jan 22, 15:00
If this comment goes through, then I determine it is not stopping me from commenting.
It IS forcing me to allow the tracker Gigya Socialize to track my movements though. Unless I enable them to do so, it says I have ‘javascript or cookies disabled’.
Never heard of them before.
Gigya is a plugin that allows socializing. It does a few things, none of them bad.
Testing, testing – denier racist homophobic islamophobe
Had several comments blocked for spam. Also, using the email link at the top of page didn’t work either-at least for me.
OK, going to shut it off.
For the email, have to remove the (NOSPAM) from the address
So far so good for me. As you probably seen as well, no spam has made it through last few days. Don’t pay attention to Kevin. He’s always just playing for attention.
I actually shut it down and uninstalled it, GB. It did truly shut down spam. None seen in the spam que. I have to wonder if it was being stored elsewhere. But, legit comments were not going through, either.
Meh, we don’t need them. It’s just you and I. Together. Always.
We don’t need … them.
aaahhh.. there they are. Lovely spam.
I tend to like spam, but this flavor is a bit off-putting.