Apparently, Eric Holder has nothing else to do other than insult private citizens and their organization. You’d think he’d be too busy redacting all the documents House panels want. You’d also think that the Attorney General of the United States would understand that this kind of conduct violates the spirit of the First Amendment, that whole freedom of association thing, along with other provisions
(LA Times) Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. said Tuesday that the Boy Scouts of America perpetuates “the worst stereotypes†by barring gay people from becoming Scout leaders.
“The continuation of a policy that discriminates against gay adult leaders – by an iconic American institution – only preserves and perpetuates the worst kind of stereotypes,†Holder said in a speech to the gay civil rights group Lambda Legal in Washington.
Holder did not announce any legal action against the Boy Scouts. A Supreme Court decision 14 years ago said the Scouts, as a private entity, had a right to discriminate against gays.
The very fact that the LA Times article, which comes from the wire services, even mentions that Holder “did not announce and legal action”, immediately makes one wonder if Holder is planning some sort of legal action against the BSA. It’s also in there to make Low Information Voters and Liberal Idiots think that the BSA are doing something legally wrong
Boy Scouts spokesman Deron Smith issued a conciliatory statement in response to Holder’s speech.
“We recognize there are many opinions on these matters,†he said. “The Boy Scouts of America believes that to disagree does not mean to disrespect; we remain focused on delivering the nation’s foremost youth development program.â€
So the BSA is going to be more adult than the AG of the USA. It’s entirely unsurprising that Holder would choose to be nasty and disrespectful. The BSA should probably expect an investigation and an IRS audit shortly.
(Holder) said the Scouts’ policy is “a relic of an age of prejudice and insufficient understanding.â€
I think they understand sufficiently that while most gay adult males are good people, with no danger, there will be enough that will join because they are pedophiles. How many stories have we heard about teachers being child predators? It’s surely a small percentage, but these crop up every few weeks. The Boy Scouts would prefer to avoid that.
“Today, courageous lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals routinely put their lives on the line as members of America’s armed services. They inspire us, they protect us, and they defend us. And if these men and women are fit for military service, then surely they are fit to mentor, to teach and to serve as role models for the leaders of future generations.â€
Many surely are. And many surely aren’t. The Boy Scouts have decided that they will avoid the drama. Unfortunately, Holder has decided to be a jerkwad. Maybe he should be more concerned with his department running assault weapons into Mexico, the IRS illegally targeting Conservative groups, the IRS illegally sharing taxpayer information with Holder’s FBI, with potential criminal misconduct in the Veteran’s Affairs department, illegal use of marijuana in Colorado, among other states, and a raft of other issues.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Boy Scouts of America should expect this attack … Not so soon after its decision to allow homosexual children into the organization … But it was expected. Being a member of BSA I see BSA has not received $$ from its backers who threatened to stop their support if BSA chose to disallow homosexual children into the organization.
“Maybe he should be more concerned with his department running assault weapons into Mexico, the IRS illegally targeting Conservative groups, the IRS illegally sharing taxpayer information with Holder’s FBI, with potential criminal misconduct in the Veteran’s Affairs department, illegal use of marijuana in Colorado, among other states, and a raft of other issues.”
Teach, you ignorant slut! That’s just quwazy talk right there! We have a drum to beat and beat it we’re gonna until your…um, it’s a bloody pulp.

Silly human.
ROFL Dl_Sly.
I believe what they ruled was that as a private organization they can choose to hire whomever they wanted. Way to go LAT to turn that around to an non-legally binding legal term.
I discriminate each and every day. Am I held legally for it? Nope. Are there laws against what I do? nope.
Holder as well as Liberals believe that to discriminate means to disrespect or hate. It does not. Thus when BSA chooses who should join its organization, they are being choosy. It is not a choice born out of hate or malice. Even if it was, how would you prove it?
Ummm. nope. its called protecting the children that are put in its charge. You wouldn’t want them setting up camp in any person’s back yard? They are choosy about where they go and who they hire. If they weren’t, that wouldn’t be good for the children.
And comparing the BSA to the Federal military service is again, comparing apples to ostriches. BSA is private, free-market, non-dictatorial business. the Military is a federal agency, locked-down, and run like a dictatorial gov’t. Grunts have no say and are severely punished for not following orders, including jail time.
The military also doesn’t accept just everyone either. They are discriminatory. They discriminate against people with tattoos, people with disabilities, people with certain backgrounds, certain mental handicaps, etc.