Obviously, that means that people really have to make big changes in their own lives to stop Hotcoldwetdry. Er, no
Climate change is not about the Gov’t, it’s about people – Gordon
A CALL is being made for the community to be more involved in the fight to promote the importance of climate change and the environment.
Speaking with The Gleaner, during a tour of the Wallingford community in St Mary on Monday, president of the Jeffery Town Farmers’ Association, Wordsworth Gordon, said a concerted effort must be made to get persons at the grass-roots level involved in the decision-making process.
Gordon makes no recommendation that The People do anything other than the tired old trope of “spreading awareness”. I’ve wrote it before and I’ll write it again: why should anyone believe what Warmists are pushing when they aren’t willing to make changes in their own lives to become “carbon neutral”? Elsewhere, Lorraine Chow offers the top 5 ways to fight global warming. Kudos for using the phrase “global warming”. Of course, she fails to note that there hasn’t been any statistically significant warming in 17 years and 9 months, and something else is missing. These are the top 5 ways, ranked from least effective to most, per some study
- Stimulate the growth of algae in the ocean.
- Create more shade with solar reflectors in outer space or artificially increase the earth’s cloud cover
- Confine carbon by converting CO2 into liquid form and pumping it underground.
- Sequester carbon by leaving it up to Mother Nature’s all-natural CO2 suckers: Plants.
- Cut emissions.
She ends with
Now if we could only get everyone — regardless of political affiliation — on board
Notice that Warmists are never willing to Do Something themselves unless everyone is forced to abide by their religious tenants.