I mentioned a Mark Stein article in the previous post. Something else he wrote
It’s worse when the supposedly impartial civil service uses those powers in the service of the ruling party: The merger of party and state is the very definition of “banana republic”. And it’s worst of all when they get away with it – because it means they’ll do it again.
That was in terms of the IRS knowing they can get away with it, and do it again. Apparently, the EPA feels they can get away with it, as well
(Politico) Move over, IRS — now the EPA is having its own problems with missing emails.
The environmental agency is having trouble locating emails belonging to a former agency employee and pulling information from his crashed hard drive, House members revealed Wednesday while questioning Administrator Gina McCarthy at a hearing on complaints of mismanagement.
“What is it with bureaucrats and public employees … the hard drives crash?†asked Rep. Kerry Bentivolio (R-Mich.).
McCarthy said her agency hasn’t given up.
“We’re having trouble getting information off of it and are trying different ways,†McCarthy said.
The Committee should find a way to compel the EPA to bring the hard drive(s) to someone, be it a different government department or someone contracted from outside, who can recover the data. Because EPA will never recover the data on their own, at least not for years.
The EPA apparently has a much, much, much worse problem, though
(Government Executive) It appears, however, that a regional office has reached a new low: Management for Region 8 in Denver, Colo., wrote an email earlier this year to all staff in the area pleading with them to stop inappropriate bathroom behavior, including defecating in the hallway.
In the email, obtained by Government Executive, Deputy Regional Administrator Howard Cantor mentioned “several incidents†in the building, including clogging the toilets with paper towels and “an individual placing feces in the hallway†outside the restroom.
Confounded by what to make of this occurrence, EPA management “consulted†with workplace violence “national expert†John Nicoletti, who said that hallway feces is in fact a health and safety risk. He added the behavior was “very dangerous†and the individuals responsible would “probably escalate†their actions.
Seriously, the EPA needed an outside consultant to tell them that? On the bright side, at least they weren’t pooing in wetlands, otherwise the employees might have found themselves in serious trouble.

Surprise: Bush White House also lost emails!
Millions of emails. Was it a cover-up or incompetence or the result of the horribly arcane gov’t document retention policies and mechanics?
I don’t understand you post. You compare this administration to the Bush group, which you hate and feel to be incompetent, and some how that makes the corruption of this president and his group ok. You are actually saying that you have no problem with the government conducting illegal and unethical activities, no matter which party is in control. At what point do we say that we have had enough of the foolish games that are being played, the money wasted, the lives ruined or, in the case of the military, lost. If your bigotry and prejudice would allow you to see and hear, then you would know that organizations like the Tea Party and other groups independent of the major political parties have had enough and want a change to a less intrusive, less expensive government that would not be inclined to activities of this nature, no matter the party affiliation. There is really no difference between the two groups as we have witnessed in Mississippi. People like you think that it is a game. But there are a large number who have had enough and feel that we need to move to the next logical step as voting is not working and our voices and wishes are not being heard. At one point you asked me what freedom that had been violated that would compel me to action, that freedom is not to be associated with people like you. That was the real cause of the War of Northern Aggression in 1860.