If they have, we shouldn’t be surprised. Canada has become more and more upset over the dithering by Team Obama, and has threatened many times that they will give up on the U.S. and send the tar sands oil elsewhere, particularly to China (via Anthony Watts)
(Breitbart) Claiming it could no longer abide the Obama administration’s five-year refusal to approve construction of the Keystone XL pipeline designed to bring 830,000 barrels a day of much-needed Alberta shale oil to U.S. refineries, the Canadian government recently approved plans for a huge new pipeline and port project to ship that oil to Asia instead.
When completed, the $7.9 billion Enbridge Northern Gateway Project, approved by Canada’s federal government on June 17, will consist of an environmentally safe, 730-mile oil pipeline. It will be capable of moving 600,000 barrels a day of Alberta oil to the pacific coast town of Kitimat, British Columbia, where a new state-of-the-art super tanker port facility will be built to ship the oil to thirsty Asian ports.
Instead of getting the oil from super friendly Canada, the U.S. can continue to rely on nations like Venezuala, Saudi Arabia, and others which aren’t exactly the best neighbors. All the jobs will be gone, and much of the tar sands oil that the U.S. does get will come by fossil fueled trucks. They can also use trains. But the pipeline would have been the safest.
At the end of the day, Keystone XL was all about politics, rather than any true concerns. It became a rallying point for unhinged Warmists, who took lots of fossil fueled plane and automobile trips to protest the fossil fuels that would flow through the pipeline. How is it political? Do you hear Warmists complaining about other pipelines? Do you see them protesting? That’s right, the answer is “no”. Joe Romm’s sugar daddy George Soros funded Climate Progress has noted many times that there are other big pipeline projects being built, yet Warmists do not seem to care.
And now Canada is flipping Obama the bird, and the oil will go elsewhere. Thanks, PBO! Heck of a job you’re doing.

Teach we DO currently import a lot of oil from Canada and because Canada has no other customers our refineries are able to buy it at a 30% discount. Canada wants the Keystone pipeline so that it can sell this North american oil to the world market, not just the USA
Teach why do YOU want North American noil to be sold to countries other than the USA? So that the oil producers can make larger profits? We currently import more oil from Canada than ANY mideast country, in fact Canada supplies us with about the same amount of oil as ALL OPEC countries combined. If the pipeline is built Canada will be able to export to any country, righht now Canada MUST sell only to the USA
Teach ??? WTF the Keystone is so that Canada CAN export elsewhere, right now they cant
and Teach oil is transported by rail cars, not trucks. Rail transport costs about 6$ per barrel more than by pipeline
But Teach the real nit is why would you want Canada’s oil to reach any deep water port?
So, it’s a better idea that Canada builds their own pipeline to their own deep water port so they can sell their oil to whoever they want rather than create US jobs by building a pipeline to carry that same oil to one of our ports?
Only in John and Jeffy’s world is this a better idea.
Since you mentioned my name…
As John pointed out, the Canadian provinces and First Nation must have their day in court. It’s unlikely the Enbridge pipeline will ever be built. Just because the current conservative gov’t and the pipeline company have cozied up, doesn’t mean the Canadian people will stand for it.
There are better ways to create jobs than building marginally valuable pipelines.
Read: http://business.financialpost.com/2014/01/22/enbridge-beats-transcanada-on-keystone-xl-delay/?__lsa=aad1-4499
J is of course ignorant that thousands of miles of pipelines already traverse America and Canada.
Further increasing the oil flow why not increasing pipeline capacity will only lead to more over-land transport of oil.
Remember, J hates America and its prosperity. Being against energy is just one facet to his hatred.