Monthly Archives: June 2014

Good News: Katharine Hayhoe Wants To Convince Christians Of Climate Change

This actually continues a long running Warmist meme about Skeptics being religious fundamentalists, which they call “fundies”, not meant to be complimentary, but, hey, Lefties are all sorts of tolerant, eh? (NPR) Last week, the Obama administration announced historic regulations to limit carbon dioxide emissions. Policies to address climate change have been a tough sell […]

Americans Support Increased Energy Prices To Fight Hotcoldwetdry

Here’s one for the Warmists (Bloomberg) Americans are willing to bear the costs of combating climate change, and most are more likely to support a candidate seeking to address the issue. By an almost two-to-one margin, 62 percent to 33 percent, Americans say they would pay more for energy if it would mean a reduction […]

If All You See…

…is a beach that will be swamped by sea rise because Someone Else refused to increase the AC temp, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on a Good Guy with a gun stopping a Bad Guy.

Obama Suggests Banning All Automatic And Semi-automatic Weapons

Strangely, he doesn’t suggest that the huge number of people who protect him who carry automatic and sem-automatic weapons should be disarmed (Daily Caller) President Barack Obama Tuesday suggested that the U.S. government should follow Australia’s example in dealing with shooting sprees, which involved strict gun bans on semiautomatic and automatic weapons. “Australia had a […]

Attorney General Holder Has Hissy Fit Towards Boy Scouts

Apparently, Eric Holder has nothing else to do other than insult private citizens and their organization. You’d think he’d be too busy redacting all the documents House panels want. You’d also think that the Attorney General of the United States would understand that this kind of conduct violates the spirit of the First Amendment, that […]

Surprise! Study Finds Western Antarctica Melting Mostly Due To Geothermal Processes

Jo Nova wondered when the original DOOOOOM story about Western Antarctica melt was released whether it could be due to volcanic activity. Surprise? Today she writes Only last week I wondered if West Antarctic volcanoes had something to do with the Antarctic warming and pointed out this strange coincidence below where almost all the warming […]

If All You See…

…are lovely wind turbines which should be erected far away from where you live, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Real Science, with a post on how 2014 is shaping up, temperature wise.

Some Dems See “Climate Change” As A Winning Issue

Well, it’s certainly not as dangerous as campaigning on support of Ocare (NY Times) He is a Democrat in a marquee Senate race, pressed by a strong Republican in a state with a challenging political environment. So when a new proposal to limit power plant emissions was seen as posing a threat to allies of […]

People Heading To The ER In Droves Under Obamacare

Who woulda thunk it? (Courier Journal) It wasn’t supposed to work this way, but since the Affordable Care Act took effect in January, Norton Hospital has seen its packed emergency room become even more crowded, with about 100 more patients a month. That 12 percent spike in the number of patients — many of whom […]

White House: Some Soldiers Can Be Left Behind

In relation to Bowe Bergdahl, Obama has said many times since the swap “We don’t leave men and women in uniform behind”, or something to that tune. He even doubled down by adding “We don’t condition that.” Of course, the issue isn’t Bergdahl, but a failure to notify Congress and, #1, trading 5 high ranking Taliban […]

Pirate's Cove