Monthly Archives: June 2014

If All You See…

…is an ocean that will rise hundreds of feet and swamp their big beach vacation homes, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is protein wisdom, with a post on liberal fascism, which comes from this Powerline blog post, about “feminazis”, so, posting a photo of a hot woman is perfect!

Climate Change Is Like The Mafia

Interesting opinion piece by James Lambard Climate change is a protection racket The mafioso, call him Guido, ran a protection racket. The business model, simple: Give Guido money and your enterprise did not burn down nor have its windows broken. You continue to have the use of both legs. A basic, criminal, wealth transfer scheme. […]

Taxpayer Funded High School Supposedly Blocks Certain Websites Because “Hate”

Let’s note right off the bat that this is an accusation by a student. That said, would this really surprise you? (Daily Caller) Controversy is flaring up at a Connecticut high school after a student alleged that its internet filter is biased against conservative websites. Andrew Lampart, a senior at Nonnewaug High School in Woodbury, told a […]

Surprise: IRS Recycled Lois Lerner’s Hard Drive

That “phony scandal” and “wacky conspiracy theory”, an issue that happened because of some “rogue agents” and set of coincidences, sure seems to be getting more legit every day. Here’s the latest (Politico) Ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s crashed hard drive has been recycled, making it likely the lost emails of the lightening rod in the […]

Good Grief, The Mt. Kilimanjaro Is Climate Change Crazies Resurface

Never let a good talking point die, via the Tanzania Daily News The last thing the 3rd worlders living in the area need is more reduction in their living standards through “climate change” programs. Really, though, the melting has nothing to do with “climate change”, otherwise known as anthropogenic global warming. The article interestingly notes, […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible kitchen containing all sorts of products that cause climate change and are affected by climate change, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Last Refuge, with a post on the real motive for the capture of the Benghazi terrorist.

Join Or Die

Yesterday, I had a post discussing elected officials not getting the benefits from seniority anymore, which led to a discussion of term limits and repealing the 17th Amendment. Bob from The Camp Of The Saints had an interesting post entitled Join Or Die, playing off a comment from protein wisdom, which was about electing all […]

Skeptic Willing To Bet On Sea Level Rise

Will any Warmists back their predictions with cold, hard cash? Doubtful. Here’s David South, emeritus professor, School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University (via Marc Morano) (IBD) Sometimes I can’t find anyone willing to back up popular predictions with their own money, even very modest sums. For example, in 2007, I offered to bet on […]

Issa Subpoenas Lois Lerner’s “Crashed” Hard Drive

This whole thing with the “lost” emails is looking less like expected government incompetence and more like a conspiracy to cover up malfeasance. The IRS “lost” the email records of 6 other employees involved in the IRS scandal. Imagine what would happen if the IRS came calling for your tax records and you said you […]

Guess Who Kathleen Sebelius Blames For Obamacare Issues

If you’re thinking “anyone but Obama, Democrats, and herself,” you’d be correct (Daily Caller) Former Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius took aim at her “hostile” right-wing opponents Tuesday, in her first speech after resigning her top post. At the State of Enrollment conference run by Enroll America, an Obamacare-promoting nonprofit run […]

Pirate's Cove