…is a horrid flooded world caused by the USA’s carbon footprint, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on open carry gun whores. He has a point.
FYI, Time Warner Cable is down in my area, so there may or may not be more posts till possibly tomorrow afternoon. Doing this on Droid while at gym. Can’t even adjust photo size.

I believe the appropriate phrase here is, “All the way!”.
Man, she’d kick my ass. Steyer should propose fines for chicks like her that emit tons of CO2 from working out so much. She’d probably be able to get rich men to give her all their carbon credits, though.
What’s up with that right thumb?
Stars and Stripes buddy… Stars and Stripes!!!
Yeah, that thumb’s a stubby, eh? Much like Megan Fox. You gain something, you lose something. (unless the thumb is curled backwards and it is pointing towards the camera)
And… dang.. yeah, she could beat up most people. Look at them shoulders!!
Anyone believe women would wear something like that for the purpose of “swimming”?