Having failed with polar bears, which have seen most populations thrive, Warmists now turn their sights to a possum
(SMH) A rare Australian possum is being dubbed the new polar bear of climate change.
Just four white lemuroid ringtail possums have been found in the wild and scientists say the species could soon become the first creature to be wiped out by global warming.
“I think this really should be a wake-up call,” tropical rainforests expert and James Cook University researcher Professor Bill Laurance told AAP.
“We’re arguing this is a better icon for global warming than a polar bear because it typifies the type of biodiversity we will lose in the future.”
This is essentially a recycled story from 5 years ago. Warmists never forget a good meme.
I have to wonder how they survived during the previous Holocene warm periods, several of which were much warmer than today. Of course, there is also a real problem for the lemuroids in the form of deforestation and selective logging, which, as usual, is ignored in favor of the global warming/climate change hysteria.

Teach: “Having failed with polar bears, which have seen most populations thrive…”
The IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group also lists sea ice losses from a warming Arctic as the biggest threat to polar bear survival. At their 2013 meeting, scientists reported that of the 19 subpopulations of polar bears:
•4 are declining
•5 are stable
•1 is increasing
•9 have insufficient data
In May 2008, the U.S listed the polar bear as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act…
Teach: “I have to wonder how they (opossoms) survived during the previous Holocene warm periods, several of which were much warmer than today.”
Do have evidence that it was warmer than now during the Holocene? And “several times”? And “much warmer”?
Problems with reading and the truth again Jeffery?
The IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group also lists sea ice losses from a warming Arctic as the biggest threat to polar bear survival.
You own citation says nothing of the sort. From the site:
Under “Climate Change,” the IUCN concludes with this statement:
Hardly a overwhelming condemnation of “climate change.” In fact, the article lists the IPCC report as a source – a report that has been shown to have major technical and data flaws.
Nice try at deflection. Teach claimed that most polar bear populations are thriving. I proved that that’s another FOX myth. You skeptics should be more skeptical of your leaders’ claims.
If the Denier case is so strong why must you continually lie?
I know that you have problems reading, but you were the one making the false claim that the greatest threat to polar bears was climate change.
Now that your own source provides the answer that you were wrong, you want people to not see that you lied.
Face it Jeffery, you put up a source that contradicted your claims on the cause of polar bear declining population in the past.
Nice try at saying other people were wrong though.
g2, you poor baby… You cast about for relevance.
Teach was wrong in claiming polar bears are thriving. I pointed that out and you defend his falsehood. Again. Yawn.
And I didn’t make the claim about sea ice and polar bears… http://pbsg.npolar.no/en/issues/threats/climate-change.html
There is a great deal of information available on the topic. You should avail yourself of some.