OK, she doesn’t quite say “indoctrination”, but that is what it amounts to, since the Warmists will not allow differing points of view to be taught
(The Hill) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Gina McCarthy said students should be taught the science behind climate change in schools.
“I think part of the challenge of explaining climate change is that it requires a level of science and a level of forward thinking and you’ve got to teach that to kids,” McCarthy said in an interview with the magazine Irish American published Friday.
Let’s look at the whole quote
Do you think that Climate Change should be part of the educational system?
Very much so. I think part of the challenge of explaining climate change is that it requires a level of science and a level of forward thinking and you’ve got to teach that to kids.
So, if you are not a Believer, you are not a “forward thinker”. Good thing we haven’t had an almost 18 year pause in statistically significant warming that contradicts the Warmists computer models and prognostications, eh?
People didn’t have a sense of how dramatic climate change really is, and what it means for all of us. So that’s been a challenge. But what’s great about renewables is that when you put a solar panel on the roof of a school, you change the entire dynamic of education for the students. It’s hands-on.
The problem here is that we could push for these without the climate hysteria. Of course, it is hands on, because the kiddies will be freezing when the solar panels cannot provide power on cold, cloudy days.
When you wanted to get people active in the environmental world a while ago it was recycling, because you could do it yourself. Part of the challenge today is to make all of these things [affecting climate change] personal enough so that people can get engaged and get active, and feel like there are things we can do together. That’s the hump we need to cross in climate control and I think we’re doing that. I really do, I think people are getting active and engaged.
The thing is, they’ve been yammering about this since 1980. Yet, the majority of Warmists rarely go beyond “spreading awareness” within their own lives. People like….Gina McCarthy!
So you’ve been traveling the U.S. – what have you experienced?
We’ve begun to realize that when you get out of Washington, D.C. and you talk to real people, that they’re worried about the climate. I’ve been to numerous places that have been hit by floods, and places that have been hit by wildfires. I was in California on the drought issue. I’ve been in Utah on the basis of the work that’s going on in Salt Lake City with the mayor doing all kinds of great climate efforts. I’ve been in Iowa talking to farmers, I was in Missouri yesterday…
Hmm, was she using a bike or walking to all those places? If she believes in the “science” so much, why is she criss-crossing the nation using fossil fueled travel?

Wow! The head of the EPA thinks science should be taught in school!
No wonder you’re upset.
Well gee Jeffery, maybe the head of the EPA should first worry about kids being able to read and comprehend what people say.
It is a skill that you don’t have.
She wants to teach science in science class. No wonder you’re also upset.
And did you read Teach’s headline claiming she was calling for indoctrination of children?
I read what the woman says and she does not want to teach science. She readily admits that she wants to use children for propaganda. She is using the same arguments as the people that argue against evolution and for divine intervention. What would be really nice would be to teach children the basics and allow them to make up their minds this obviously was not the way you were taught. I was.
[…] Pirates Cove: Did you ever notice how freaking awesome my Sorta Blogless Sunday Pin Up posts are? Also, did you ever notice how freaking Lame climate change indoctrination is? […]
The basics include science. Global warming is a fact. What would you have our science teachers teach?
She wants to teach “progressive thinking.” Is “progressive thinking” science, Jeffery?
She wants to take students and make “climate change” ” personal enough so that people can get engaged and get active.”
Is that science Jeffery? Involvement is science?
If so, please tell us all what science discipline that falls within?
Apparently you failed to read where he supported that claim.
Once again, your liberal ostrich tenancies come to light for all to see.
See her complete response to the education question below. Where did she advocate “progressive thinking”? Or indoctrination?
We understand that you and yours approach climate change from the position that it’s a hoax and a conspiracy. There is no scientific debate about global warming. Fortunately, regular (not Teabagger) folks accept the reality of global warming. This is not about opinions on favorite songs or foods, but rather is about facts.
Should we teach that washing your hands is a good hygiene and can prevent disease or should we limit our teachings to the life cycles of bacteria, viruses and protozoa?
Should we teach that vaccines prevent diseases and do not cause autism or should we limit our teachings to how the body produces antibodies to antigens. Is this exchange OK? Student: “Teacher, my dad says vaccines cause autism.” Teacher: “There is absolutely no scientific evidence that vaccines cause autism.”
Should teachers also teach creationism in science class or stick to the facts of evolution?
Would it be OK if a teacher says that a tiny minority of people, who call themselves climate skeptics, still don’t accept the overwhelming evidence in support of CO2-caused global warming?
-Do you think that Climate Change should be part of the educational system?-
“Very much so. I think part of the challenge of explaining climate change is that it requires a level of science and a level of forward thinking and you’ve got to teach that to kids.
People didn’t have a sense of how dramatic climate change really is, and what it means for all of us. So that’s been a challenge. But what’s great about renewables is that when you put a solar panel on the roof of a school, you change the entire dynamic of education for the students. It’s hands-on.
When you wanted to get people active in the environmental world a while ago it was recycling, because you could do it yourself. Part of the challenge today is to make all of these things [affecting climate change] personal enough so that people can get engaged and get active, and feel like there are things we can do together. That’s the hump we need to cross in climate control and I think we’re doing that. I really do, I think people are getting active and engaged.”
And right there is the answer to your questions on progressive thinking and indoctrination.
If you don’t see it because your head is up your butt or in the sand, don’t try and shift the blame to your lack of understanding what is basically a 2nd grade reading level.
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.”
So she didn’t actually say what you and Mr. Teach claim she said. And you consider your retort evidence that she did?
Actually, you interpret what she said in a certain way. You imagine that “forward thinking” equates to “progressive thinking”. You imagine that teaching science equates to indoctrination.
And oh yeah, the Earth is still warming. Which you never wish to discuss.