And if you refuse to stand up for the right of women to go topless in public, you’re probably part of the patriarchy and a misogynist and hate womyn
(The Blaze) It seems some women are planning to let it all hang out in a couple of Texas towns on Sunday.
Their argument: Breasts are less dangerous than guns.
“The 2nd amendment is very popular in TX ‘the right to bear arms’ to protect one’s family is one argument but baring breasts is illegal also ‘to protect the children,’†the group, GoTopless, wrote in a Facebook post. “Texas women, affirm your right to bare your breasts!!! If breasts are more dangerous to children than weapons, then something is truly wrong with our society!â€
One person at the Facebook post link notes “Go topless but with an AR”. Hey, sounds good!
(My San Antonio) GoTopless, a Las Vegas-based organization advocating for “women’s right to go topless in public,” is hosting the event, which is scheduled to take off at 1 p.m. on Sunday at Navarro and St. Mary’s. The group is hosting more than 50 similar rallies around the world on Sunday, including on 6th and Congress in Austin, according to its website.
A San Antonio ordinance that forbids exposure of “female breast(s)” may cause a problem for demonstrators.
So, mostly outside agitators. A few choice comments
- Mommy, what are those two deflated balloons doing on the chest of that woman asks the little boy?
- A lot of the breasts that will be exposed will be resting on some rather large and protruding stomachs.
- It will be just like the nude beaches where only the people naked are the people you don’t want to see naked.
Hey, menfolk would love for women to go around topless all the time. Well, mostly. With more proof of Yikes!!!!! at the My San Antonio link.

[…] William Teach of The Pirate’s Cove does us a public service by giving us advance notice about a women’s topless equality rally in San Antonio. […]
[…] no, another outbreak of LOOKATMEITIS! William Teach, has the high beams, I mean high […]
I must be an evil person. My first thought was to paintball those saggy targets. It would sting like heck.
[…] mentioned the coming “protest” Saturday, and here’s how it […]