Otherwise known as a sex change operation
(Breitbart) Transgender Americans seeking gender reassignment surgeries are finding relief through Obamacare, The Daily Beast reported on Monday.
Federal laws banning health insurance discrimination against transgender people, combined with Obamacare’s ban on denying coverage for those with pre-existing conditions, have paved a path for transgender patients who wish to make the transition from one gender to another.
Oh, good, Americans will pay more for their health insurance so a tiny fraction of the population can get some parts they were born with snipped and/or added. As The Lonely Conservative notes “In case you’re wondering why health insurance is so expensive, it’s because of all of the coverage mandates dictated by the government.”

As The Lonely Conservative notes “In case you’re wondering why health insurance is so expensive, it’s because of all of the coverage mandates dictated by the government.â€
Nonsense. The cost of a few hundred sexual reassignment surgeries in a nation of over 300 million people is trivial. Compared to the rest of the industrialized world, health care in the US is more expensive (about double) because our doctors are paid more, our drugs are more expensive and because our hospital, insurance and drug companies must profit. We hospitalize patients much more often, although we visit the doctor fewer times than most nations.
If we want to cut our health care costs in half we could adapt systems like Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Norway etc. All these nations do a better job than the US for less cost.
Nonsense, Jeffrey. Our medical treatment expenses are so high because (1) too much of it is spent in the last months of life, prolonging certain death by months if not weeks; (2) too much is spent to treat problems of our own making, problems due to smoking, overeating, driving while intoxicated, gunshot and knife wounds, etc. and (3) the gross profit expropriated by the government through their administrative, regulatory and insurance costs. Not to forget that if you want to spend $100 million to get a cancer drug approved that will cost $250,000 per patient, someone has to pay for it. Healthcare is free only because someone else pays for it. As my doctor told me, medical treatment is what he provides; healthcare is what I do for myself.