No, really, says Tom Krattenmaker at The Daily Journal
Why climate change concerns pro-life Christians
This is not a column dedicated to bludgeoning those unmoved by liberals’ warnings about climate change. It is an invitation to people, especially Christians, to think about what’s happening to the water, and what will happen to us if there’s not enough of it to go around.
For whatever reason, 58 percent of California is in “exceptional drought,†which is even worse than “extreme.†Also in the headlines: a tap-water drinking ban in Toledo, Ohio, precipitated by Lake Erie algae blooms that researchers attribute, in part, to warmer temperatures.
These and similar phenomena are more than a boutique concern for silly liberals. If you care about life — and I know you do, especially if you’re a Christian who believes in the sanctity of life — please pay attention to what is happening with the water.
(blah blah blah, doom from Hotcoldwetdry)
I have been around enough Christians to know there is room in their hearts, and on their agenda, for this life issue, too.