Pastor: We Need Redemtion For “Climate Change”

More from the pseudo-religion of “climate change” invading the world of real religion, as Leftists infiltrate churches. Here’s Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church

A Pastoral Message on Climate Change


While an accounting of climate change that has credibility and integrity must include our own repentance, we find our hope in the promise of God’s own faithfulness to the creation and humankind and in the liberation that comes from God’s promise.

God, who made the creation and made it good, has not abandoned it. Daily the Spirit continues to renew the face of the earth. All who care for the earth and work for the restoration of its vitality can be confident that they are not pursuing a lost cause. We serve in concert with God’s own creative and renewing power.

She goes on to use Jesus to push the failed religion of “climate change”, which is based on far left progressive policies and politics, not science. Sadly, she, like so many others, ignores real environmental issues to focus on Hotcoldwetdry.

Meanwhile, a Massachusetts church is taking a fossil fueled trip to NYC to whine about “climate change” caused by fossil fuels

(The Sun Chronicle) Five families from Murray Unitarian Universalist Church will take to the streets of New York City Sunday, joining up with thousands of other marchers in a bid to persuade world leaders to get serious about climate change.

The People’s Climate March will bring together people of many faiths who share a conviction that climate change poses a dire threat to the web of life on Planet Earth, and that the most destructive consequences will be unjustly borne by those least equipped to deal with them.

“This march will bring together a lot of concerns on people’s minds, from oil and gas pipelines, to fracking, to extreme weather events,” he said. “We can lessen all of these concerns by moving quickly to clean energy, and bring jobs into our local economies at the same time.”

How are they getting there?

This is the Liberalization of religion, turning it from real issues as espoused by Christ to fake ones propped up by Leftists.

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5 Responses to “Pastor: We Need Redemtion For “Climate Change””

  1. Monday morning links

    Thousands March in New York to End Industrialized Civilization Or, as Surber put it,  Commies and billionaires march against climate change The Crumbling Climate-Change Consensus – Extremists’ rhetoric heats up as their case falls apart Pa

  2. Thomas G. says:

    I think ‘Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church’ says it all. Not sure but that the Episcopal church is a lukewarm one Jesus spoke of and to not be a friend of the world. Sad, but the Al Gorebots of the Church of Global Warming will use her as they see fit. Look how Cindy Sheedan was used by some pink liberals and then tossed. Where are their war protests now? Just wondering.

  3. CS Lewis wrote about the spiritual dangers in “The Dangers of National Repentance.”

  4. Jesus says:

    What are my issues?

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