Six Ways You Can Totally Help Stop Hotcoldwetdry

I debated whether to hold off till tomorrow to blog this hilarious Guardian missive, what with the elections being today, but, hey, it’s very amusing, and tomorrow will surely be about Democrat whines, nuttyness, moonbattery, and bat guano insanery (yeah, not a word. Bummer)

Six ways you can help stop climate change 

….so what is one small human being to do? Here, to get you started, are a few suggestions.

  1. Talk about climate change (um, haven’t they been doing that for 20+ years?)

  2. Take a look at your diet (they don’t want you to totally give up meat, just mostly. Hop to it, Warmists!)

  3. Reclaim the streets (this almost….almost, rises to the notion that Warmists need to give up their own fossil fueled addiction.)

  4. Change to LED lightbulbs (well, now, we don’t really have much of a choice, what with the Nanny State essentially “banning” them)

  5. Get involved with a community energy project (this really means being a nag)

  6. Lobby your MP (yup, be a nag)

This is one of the articles that gets somewhat close to “practice what you preach”. Of course, they could all do that and virtually nothing would change when it comes to the weather and climate.

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One Response to “Six Ways You Can Totally Help Stop Hotcoldwetdry”

  1. Blick says:

    Warmists should start local conservation clubs where they could share appliances and power tools. Where they can share produce from their gardens and help each other can the surplus. Where they could learn to do energy conservation audits and then volunteer the service to poor and elderly people. Then pay for the minor fix-its and do the work. For example buy and install the proper light bulbs; install weather stripping; Clean refridg coil, dryer ducts, furnace filters, other appliances. Fix water leaks; programmable thermostats check fire alarms batteries. LIVE IT; GIVE IT.

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