Monthly Archives: November 2014

Bummer: Staple Foods Are Bad For Hotcoldwetdry

The obvious solution? Everyone Else needs to just kill themselves to Save The Planet (Red Orbit) Decomposing crops could be responsible for one-fourth of the post-summer increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, and this discovery could help scientists better understand and predict how the planet’s vegetation will react to warming temperatures, researchers from Boston University […]

If All You See…

…is an evil carbon pollution infused beer causing hundreds of feet of sea rise, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Nice Deb, with a post noting Sharyl Attkinson being targeted by the WH and DOJ over her Fast and Furious reporting.

Say, Will Republicans Need a New Message on Climate Change in 2016?

Actually, I do.  But it is one that is different from what far Left Progressives think the GOP message should be (Roll Call) Senate Republicans were swept into power vowing to fight the White House’s “war on coal,” but at least one says they need a broader message than “no” in 2016. “I think there […]

Upgrading To WordPress 4.0.1

I’m about to upgrade to 4.0.1, so if anything looks a little strange, that’s why. Please let me know. Thanks!

Say, Remember When Warmists Said “Climate Change” Would Reduce Lake Effect Snow?

This was Warmist Eric Holthaus just two days ago Global Warming Is Probably Boosting Lake-Effect Snows In the aftermath of a massive lake-effect snowfall event in western New York state on Tuesday, it’s worth asking: Is climate change playing a role here? Because, I mean, come on. Seventy—seven zero—inches, people. And another huge round is […]

Obama Trots Out His Sticky Note Plan

I think by now most of us know that Obama announced that, by Imperial Decree, certain illegals will get some sort of deferment, giving those who already decided to break the rules a chance to “play by the rules” (UK Daily Mail) President Obama announced a plan Thursday night to mainstream millions of illegal immigrants […]

If All You See…

…is carbon pollution created extreme wind, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Da Tech Guy, where Fausta wonders why taxes weren’t an issue during the midterms.

Voxsplaining Executive Amnesty

Vox’s Ezra Klein gives it the old college try in giving arguments for and against “Obamnesty” (Vox) For: The president clearly has the power At this point, fairly few people, even on the right, are arguing that Obama doesn’t have the power to exempt broad classes of people from deportation. President George H.W. Bush granted […]

Pause Excuse #66: No Pause If We Only Consider Coldest And Warmest Days Of The Year

Have to keep the cult going (The Hockey Schtick) A new paper published in Environmental Research Letters finds excuse #66 for the 18+ year “pause” of global warming: There’s no “pause” if you look at only the one single warmest and coldest days per year. According to the authors and the accompanying editorial, if you use a […]

Democrats Introduce Carbon Fee Legislation In Senate

Hey, why not? Obama and his Democrat henchmen have already done great damage to the economy, why not kick it up a notch? (Think Progress) In a sense, the problem of climate change is incredibly simple: certain people are dumping carbon into the atmosphere, and in the coming decades we will all suffer from the […]

Pirate's Cove