Where are all the outcries from the same people who are whipping others into a frenzy over Ferguson and Eric Garner?
(Breitbart) A 26-year-old white Bosnian woman was dragged out of her car early this morning and beaten by three black assailants in the same South St. Louis neighborhood that saw a Bosnian man bludgeoned to death with hammers earlier this week.
Police are investigating the attack as a possible hate crime because the victim says the suspects asked her if she was Bosnian during the attack.
Via St. Louis CBS Local:
According to a police report, at about 5:30 a.m., a Bosnian woman was driving on the 4600 block of Lansdowne when three black males in their late-teens to early-20s stepped in front of her vehicle.
When the woman tried to drive around them, the suspects reportedly pulled out a firearm, so she stopped the car.
After hitting her windshield with a crowbar, the suspects pulled the woman from her car, threw her on the ground and kicked her.
A suspect grabbed her purse, searched it, and told the others it was empty. All three suspects then fled the scene.
Police say the woman said she thought the crime was racially motivated because the suspects asked her if she was Bosnian.
There is apparently much more to this, there being a concerted effort to target Bosnians who are moving into the area by Blacks in South St. Louis. The issue has been turned over to the FBI, but where is the outrage from Attorney General Eric Holder, President Obama, folks like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and all those who immediately deemed the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner as racist incidents? Where are the marches? Where are the demonstrations? This is the third recent attack. Seldin Dranovic was attacked with hammers but escaped. Zemir Begic did not, being beaten to death with hammers.

So Teach have you gone there to march ? Why are you suggesting that others should do what you think should be done but will not do yourself ?
Walk that walk. !
How sad Teach for the Bosnian Muslims who had to flee their country after bring attacked by Christians . To come here and have this happen
The real shame is how the vile Obama regime and Michael Brown’s idiot family whipped up the unrest all they could, and for mostly their own benefit, damage and innocent lives be damned.
And Bosnians know a thing or two about war, if that’s what these feral beasts in St Louis want…
Where’s race-hustler Al Sharpton for this one?
Was the young lady attacked by the police?
Jeffery not only displays his hatred for women, but also a denial of a hate crime against a minority.
Did you ask the Rev Sharpton why he isn’t marching in South St. Louis in support of the Bosnians?
In this case, the state did not attack the woman, it was claimed that violent criminals did.
In the Brown and Garner killings, agents of the state killed unarmed citizens. Conservatives usually find
the state killing citizens without due process to be outrageous – unless the victims are Black.
So, it appears that Jeff only cares when people are attacked by the State, and only when male and black. Interesting.
Also interesting is how suddenly far left Progressives like Jeff are Concerned about the power and tyranny of the State. Yet, all they attempt to do is give the State more and more power. Quite a conundrum.