Not surprising
Most people are more concerned with
Their own immediate needs
Tragedy of the commons
Have you ever read Jack London’s The Strength of the Strong ?
78% of the voters were from Mexico, Nigeria, India, Yemen, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, which make up about 24% of the World’s population. Ten times more Sri Lankans voted than Americans, lol.
Another 191 countries (76% of World’s population) contributed the remaining 22% of the votes.
40% of voters from high development index (HDI) nations, such as the US, Japan, Germany etc, thought climate change was important.
Only the poorest nations thought that climate change was the least important. And mostly poor nations were sampled.
Apparently Jeffery thinks that only people from certain countries should have an opinion that matters. I guess we see that Jeffery as a liberal is really trying to suppress the vote of people who don’t agree with him.
Aaaaaw, Jeff is upset that his pet cult is polling at the bottom yet again. Buck up, little camper, things will get better….well, not really, because even my NY Giants are doing better than your cult. At least the Giants have a chance at a high draft pick. All Warmists have to look forward to is unhinged prognostications that crash and burn, along with more loony tunes hyperbole.
You interpret survey data as well as you interpret climate data.
What’s the matter Jeffery? Are you upset that the data puts your cult near the bottom of the list?
Are you upset that in the US concerns about climate was 10th on the list?
Isn’t it amazing that instead of dealing with the data you attacked the data and anyone who mentions that you don’t want people to have a different view than you and your other cult members. It is fascinating that you hate people that don’t have wealth and want to keep them in poverty.
I addressed my comment to ‘Douche’ and you both answered.
What we’ve proven is that your survey is worthless. At best it tells you that poor people have other more acute concerns than global warming. The results also suggest that the average poor person around the globe is smarter the average American conservative.
But this is the kind of bilge we’ve come to expect from science deniers.
What scientific evidence demonstrates is that the Earth is warming from the CO2 humans are adding to the atmosphere.
That poor people don’t consider that an important threat is not surprising to us.
Douche, What do you think of the survey results that show so many people interested in ensuring unemployment benefits?
I addressed my comment to ‘Douche’ and you both answered.
No, we both commented on what you said. Why is it that you feel you can control what other people say or respond to on a blog that you don’t own?
What we’ve proven is that your survey is worthless.
Actually, all you have “proven” is ….. well….. nothing. The survey stands on its own. If anything, you have shown that you don’t care about the poor, under-developed countries or the plight of those within those countries.
The results also suggest that the average poor person around the globe is smarter the average American conservative.
How so?
The survey shows that the people that you hate don’t think much of your cult of global warming. Americans said it was more of an issue than other people did. If the “average poor person” is smarter than the average conservative, then wouldn’t “intelligence” be more inline with what the poorer countries thought? Using your logic, the liberal and AGW cult would skew the results away from climate change not being a major concern. So in essence, in a desperate attempt to demean others, you have in fact showed that liberals and AGW cult members are not intelligent. If the “intelligent” viewpoint is having action on climate change being ranked last, aren’t conservatives closer to that belief and liberals such as yourself far away from that belief?
Congratulations. Using your “logic” and thought process, you have demonstrated that you and people of your ilk aren’t very smart (according to you.)
What scientific evidence demonstrates is that the Earth is warming from the CO2 humans are adding to the atmosphere.
No matter how often you keep repeating it doesn’t make it true. Do you want a cookie? After all, you sound so much like a 5 year old who keeps thinking that if they repeat something over and over it becomes true.
That poor people don’t consider that an important threat is not surprising to us.
So now the people aren’t smart? Geez Jeffery, you contradict yourself in one post and still expect people to take you seriously?
Douche, What do you think of the survey results that show so many people interested in ensuring unemployment benefits?
Since you are talking to yourself by name, maybe you should answer that.
After all, in your drunken stupor you have failed to realize that “ensuring unemployment benefits” is not on the list at all.
It must really suck to try and debate people and instead show yourself to be a fool.
No matter how often you keep repeating it doesn’t make it true. Do you want a cookie? After all, you sound so much like a 5 year old who keeps thinking that if they repeat something over and over it becomes true.
Actually douche, it’s the repetition of the truth, much like repeating that the Earth is not flat but is a sphere. Much like repeating that magic does not exist. Much like repeating their is no evidence of demons, angels, miracles or an afterlife. The rational must always stay vigilant against the attacks of reason from the irrational. The beliefs of the science/climate deniers are irrational.
Has the Earth been warming for about the last century?
Is this unusual?
Does it coincide with a unusual 40% increase in atmospheric CO2 (proven to be from burning fossil fuels)?
Is CO2 a greenhouse gas, i.e., does it absorb radiant energy at the wavelengths released from the Earth?
Actually douche, it’s the repetition of the truth….
Scientific evidence to the contrary.
The rational must always stay vigilant against the attacks of reason from the irrational.
I agree with this which is why people watch you and declare that you are irrational. Actually, you’re just a drunken old fool, but that is another story for another day.
Much like repeating their is no evidence of demons, angels, miracles or an afterlife. The rational must always stay vigilant against the attacks of reason from the irrational.
As you have claimed that your wife is a Christian and therefore she would believe in such things, are you claiming she is irrational?
We all know that you hate women, but this statement of yours takes that hatred to a new level.
Please show us your five best pieces of evidence that the Earth is not warming from atmospheric CO2.
Deflect. Typical. Anything to avoid discussing facts. Now you’re bringing my family into your bizarre drug addled rants. No thanks, sot.
We get it, qc. Alinsky Rule 5. I discussed this once with the “qc” at the Gateway Pudendum a couple years ago. (Every right-wing blog has a qc bootlick or two defending the blogger). Do you do it in exchange for Teach’s links to hoecakes?
Wow, Jeffy, you’re really off your game today. First name calling, then multiple red herrings.
“Please show us your five best pieces of evidence that the Earth is not warming from atmospheric CO2.” We won’t because we don’t claim that. You keep saying, skeptics say that, but with the exception of a few uninformed twerps, that’s not true. The skeptic position is that there has been measurable warming over the past century+, but the vast majority of that was due to natural causes.
But then, if you tried to address our real position, vice your strawman position, you would have to work a lot harder to make your case.
To answer your questions “Has the Earth been warming for about the last century? Is this unusual?” I would say no. During just the past 1,000 years we’ve seen measurably warmer and cooler periods than today. What’s normal? The medieval warm period, the little ice age, or today? If so why? Point being that we don’t know enough to answer those questions, no matter your rote repetition to the contrary.
Let’s review the progress of Jeffy’s argument:
-people are stupid
-Ok, even the US only puts CAGW at #10. What about unemployment? (non sequitur)
-The science is settled!
-Yes it is!!
-LALALALA I can’t hear you!!!
-Look, it’s settled because I SAY SO!!!!
-gitarcarver is a bootlicker. And a douche. And he’s a hoe for hoecakes.
Man, I tell you, I just can’t argue with logic like that. Really. No, I’m serious.
The skeptic position is that there has been measurable warming over the past century+, but the vast majority of that was due to natural causes.
What are those natural causes? Significant, rapid warming doesn’t occur by magic. What are the natural processes causing the Earth to warm? The Sun is in a cool phase yet the Earth is still warm.
The so-called Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age were attributed to physical causes. What physical processes are causing the current warming? Or do you think that major excursions in the overall temperature of the Earth occur randomly? Do you think it likely the Earth could cool 1.4F by next year?
Now you’re bringing my family into your bizarre drug addled rants. No thanks, sot.
Gee Jeffery, it’s a legitimate question as you have said that you wife is a Christian in the past to deflect the fact that you don’t know squat about what people believe.
Now that you have called the woman “irrational,” you run away.
I wonder why that is?
Does she know that you think she is irrational?
And by the way, I appreciate Teach linking to my site once in awhile, but it is not requisite for my participation here. I was here a long time before I started ROH.
Once again, you shoot, you missed, and you didn’t score.
You’re the one calling my wife irrational. You should come to St. Louis – my sons would be interested in hearing your thoughts on their mother, you brave typist, you.
Jeff, let’s consider that you are the one who decided to call everyone, particularly GC, “douche”. You attack people, and now decide that you do not like people coming after you. Ease up on your keyboard warrior stuff. If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out.
Let’s recap, shall we? It is you who said “Much like repeating their is no evidence of demons, angels, miracles or an afterlife. The rational must always stay vigilant against the attacks of reason from the irrational.”
In the past you have used your wife to deflect your lack of knowledge on issues of faith saying that she is a Christian. (Notice it is you who brought her into the conversation, not me.) As a Christian, your wife would believe in “demons, angels, miracles or an afterlife.”
I am just asking the logical question that as you think that people who believe as your wife does are “irrational,” do you tell her she is irrational? Do you think she is irrational? Does she know that you call other mothers names – mothers that you have not met?
Now that you have brought your sons into this as some sort of “muscle,” do your sons know that you go on message boards and say that their mother is “irrational?”
These are all fair questions Jeffery as they are not bringing your family into the discussion, they are bringing you, your actions, your logic and your honesty into the discussion.
The fact of the matter is that while you sit there and like to type how awful, silly and dare I say “irrational” people of faith are, if you truly believe that, all those things would apply to your wife.
Either your statements apply to your wife or they are inaccurate to begin with.
As I said, I’m not following you down one of your distracting rabbit-holes.
“My choice” is to ignore your gentle insanities.
If, at some future time, your meds kick in and you wish to talk about the next bit of misinformation Mr. Teach shares, let’s talk. Until then, buh bye.
It’s your blog, so lecture me all you want. But I don’t feel compelled to respond to qc’s ridiculous distractions. I’m frequently called a liar and an idiot by your regulars here, including qc, so I don’t regret fighting back.
As I said, I’m not following you down one of your distracting rabbit-holes.
I am just trying to ascertain the depth of your convictions, Jeffery. You came here and tried to disparage people of faith by calling them “irrational.” You then tried to blame me for what you said by saying I had attacked your wife.
And yes, I have called you a liar because that is what you are. We have seen that in this thread alone as you have tried to accuse innocent others of what you have done yourself.
If you want, I’ll be happy to come up to St. Louis and meet your sons. I’ll be happy to show them what you have said about their mother and others like her. We can even visit your place of work where your comments on people of faith should land a nice, big ol’ lawsuit for discrimination against you.
You stepped in it big time, Jeffery. And now you want to blame everyone else for your actions.
drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Dìd that White Christian pastor wifey add an extra spoonful of vitriol to your morning cup of hatred? Bwaha! Lolgfy…” Mar 31, 17:20
All posts here are my views. None represent my employer. If ye can prove me wrong, so be it. Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commentors. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.
NOTICE In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C., section 107, some material on this web site is provided without permission from the copyright owner, only for purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research under the "fair use" provisions of federal copyright laws. These materials may not be distributed further, except for "fair use" non-profit educational purposes, without permission of the copyright owner.
Not surprising
Most people are more concerned with
Their own immediate needs
Tragedy of the commons
Have you ever read Jack London’s The Strength of the Strong ?
78% of the voters were from Mexico, Nigeria, India, Yemen, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, which make up about 24% of the World’s population. Ten times more Sri Lankans voted than Americans, lol.
Another 191 countries (76% of World’s population) contributed the remaining 22% of the votes.
40% of voters from high development index (HDI) nations, such as the US, Japan, Germany etc, thought climate change was important.
Only the poorest nations thought that climate change was the least important. And mostly poor nations were sampled.
Apparently Jeffery thinks that only people from certain countries should have an opinion that matters. I guess we see that Jeffery as a liberal is really trying to suppress the vote of people who don’t agree with him.
You interpret survey data as well as you interpret climate data.
Aaaaaw, Jeff is upset that his pet cult is polling at the bottom yet again. Buck up, little camper, things will get better….well, not really, because even my NY Giants are doing better than your cult. At least the Giants have a chance at a high draft pick. All Warmists have to look forward to is unhinged prognostications that crash and burn, along with more loony tunes hyperbole.
What’s the matter Jeffery? Are you upset that the data puts your cult near the bottom of the list?
Are you upset that in the US concerns about climate was 10th on the list?
Isn’t it amazing that instead of dealing with the data you attacked the data and anyone who mentions that you don’t want people to have a different view than you and your other cult members. It is fascinating that you hate people that don’t have wealth and want to keep them in poverty.
I addressed my comment to ‘Douche’ and you both answered.
What we’ve proven is that your survey is worthless. At best it tells you that poor people have other more acute concerns than global warming. The results also suggest that the average poor person around the globe is smarter the average American conservative.
But this is the kind of bilge we’ve come to expect from science deniers.
What scientific evidence demonstrates is that the Earth is warming from the CO2 humans are adding to the atmosphere.
That poor people don’t consider that an important threat is not surprising to us.
Douche, What do you think of the survey results that show so many people interested in ensuring unemployment benefits?
No, we both commented on what you said. Why is it that you feel you can control what other people say or respond to on a blog that you don’t own?
Actually, all you have “proven” is ….. well….. nothing. The survey stands on its own. If anything, you have shown that you don’t care about the poor, under-developed countries or the plight of those within those countries.
How so?
The survey shows that the people that you hate don’t think much of your cult of global warming. Americans said it was more of an issue than other people did. If the “average poor person” is smarter than the average conservative, then wouldn’t “intelligence” be more inline with what the poorer countries thought? Using your logic, the liberal and AGW cult would skew the results away from climate change not being a major concern. So in essence, in a desperate attempt to demean others, you have in fact showed that liberals and AGW cult members are not intelligent. If the “intelligent” viewpoint is having action on climate change being ranked last, aren’t conservatives closer to that belief and liberals such as yourself far away from that belief?
Congratulations. Using your “logic” and thought process, you have demonstrated that you and people of your ilk aren’t very smart (according to you.)
No matter how often you keep repeating it doesn’t make it true. Do you want a cookie? After all, you sound so much like a 5 year old who keeps thinking that if they repeat something over and over it becomes true.
So now the people aren’t smart? Geez Jeffery, you contradict yourself in one post and still expect people to take you seriously?
Since you are talking to yourself by name, maybe you should answer that.
After all, in your drunken stupor you have failed to realize that “ensuring unemployment benefits” is not on the list at all.
It must really suck to try and debate people and instead show yourself to be a fool.
Douche typed:
Actually douche, it’s the repetition of the truth, much like repeating that the Earth is not flat but is a sphere. Much like repeating that magic does not exist. Much like repeating their is no evidence of demons, angels, miracles or an afterlife. The rational must always stay vigilant against the attacks of reason from the irrational. The beliefs of the science/climate deniers are irrational.
Has the Earth been warming for about the last century?
Is this unusual?
Does it coincide with a unusual 40% increase in atmospheric CO2 (proven to be from burning fossil fuels)?
Is CO2 a greenhouse gas, i.e., does it absorb radiant energy at the wavelengths released from the Earth?
Scientific evidence to the contrary.
I agree with this which is why people watch you and declare that you are irrational. Actually, you’re just a drunken old fool, but that is another story for another day.
Oh, by the way….
As you have claimed that your wife is a Christian and therefore she would believe in such things, are you claiming she is irrational?
We all know that you hate women, but this statement of yours takes that hatred to a new level.
Please show us your five best pieces of evidence that the Earth is not warming from atmospheric CO2.
Deflect. Typical. Anything to avoid discussing facts. Now you’re bringing my family into your bizarre drug addled rants. No thanks, sot.
We get it, qc. Alinsky Rule 5. I discussed this once with the “qc” at the Gateway Pudendum a couple years ago. (Every right-wing blog has a qc bootlick or two defending the blogger). Do you do it in exchange for Teach’s links to hoecakes?
Wow, Jeffy, you’re really off your game today. First name calling, then multiple red herrings.
“Please show us your five best pieces of evidence that the Earth is not warming from atmospheric CO2.” We won’t because we don’t claim that. You keep saying, skeptics say that, but with the exception of a few uninformed twerps, that’s not true. The skeptic position is that there has been measurable warming over the past century+, but the vast majority of that was due to natural causes.
But then, if you tried to address our real position, vice your strawman position, you would have to work a lot harder to make your case.
To answer your questions “Has the Earth been warming for about the last century? Is this unusual?” I would say no. During just the past 1,000 years we’ve seen measurably warmer and cooler periods than today. What’s normal? The medieval warm period, the little ice age, or today? If so why? Point being that we don’t know enough to answer those questions, no matter your rote repetition to the contrary.
Let’s review the progress of Jeffy’s argument:
-people are stupid
-Ok, even the US only puts CAGW at #10. What about unemployment? (non sequitur)
-The science is settled!
-Yes it is!!
-LALALALA I can’t hear you!!!
-Look, it’s settled because I SAY SO!!!!
-gitarcarver is a bootlicker. And a douche. And he’s a hoe for hoecakes.
Man, I tell you, I just can’t argue with logic like that. Really. No, I’m serious.
You can’t argue religion with a priest.
Casey typed:
What are those natural causes? Significant, rapid warming doesn’t occur by magic. What are the natural processes causing the Earth to warm? The Sun is in a cool phase yet the Earth is still warm.
The so-called Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age were attributed to physical causes. What physical processes are causing the current warming? Or do you think that major excursions in the overall temperature of the Earth occur randomly? Do you think it likely the Earth could cool 1.4F by next year?
Gee Jeffery, it’s a legitimate question as you have said that you wife is a Christian in the past to deflect the fact that you don’t know squat about what people believe.
Now that you have called the woman “irrational,” you run away.
I wonder why that is?
Does she know that you think she is irrational?
And by the way, I appreciate Teach linking to my site once in awhile, but it is not requisite for my participation here. I was here a long time before I started ROH.
Once again, you shoot, you missed, and you didn’t score.
Sorry, douche.
I’m not part of your derangement.
I’m not the one who thinks his wife is irrational. And as I remember, you had no problems calling mothers nasty names as well.
You’re one sick puppy.
You’re the one calling my wife irrational. You should come to St. Louis – my sons would be interested in hearing your thoughts on their mother, you brave typist, you.
I’m refusing to play your sick games.
Jeff, let’s consider that you are the one who decided to call everyone, particularly GC, “douche”. You attack people, and now decide that you do not like people coming after you. Ease up on your keyboard warrior stuff. If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out.
Ah yes, trying to play the victim again Jeffery?
Let’s recap, shall we? It is you who said “Much like repeating their is no evidence of demons, angels, miracles or an afterlife. The rational must always stay vigilant against the attacks of reason from the irrational.”
In the past you have used your wife to deflect your lack of knowledge on issues of faith saying that she is a Christian. (Notice it is you who brought her into the conversation, not me.) As a Christian, your wife would believe in “demons, angels, miracles or an afterlife.”
I am just asking the logical question that as you think that people who believe as your wife does are “irrational,” do you tell her she is irrational? Do you think she is irrational? Does she know that you call other mothers names – mothers that you have not met?
Now that you have brought your sons into this as some sort of “muscle,” do your sons know that you go on message boards and say that their mother is “irrational?”
These are all fair questions Jeffery as they are not bringing your family into the discussion, they are bringing you, your actions, your logic and your honesty into the discussion.
The fact of the matter is that while you sit there and like to type how awful, silly and dare I say “irrational” people of faith are, if you truly believe that, all those things would apply to your wife.
Either your statements apply to your wife or they are inaccurate to begin with.
Your choice.
As I said, I’m not following you down one of your distracting rabbit-holes.
“My choice” is to ignore your gentle insanities.
If, at some future time, your meds kick in and you wish to talk about the next bit of misinformation Mr. Teach shares, let’s talk. Until then, buh bye.
It’s your blog, so lecture me all you want. But I don’t feel compelled to respond to qc’s ridiculous distractions. I’m frequently called a liar and an idiot by your regulars here, including qc, so I don’t regret fighting back.
I am just trying to ascertain the depth of your convictions, Jeffery. You came here and tried to disparage people of faith by calling them “irrational.” You then tried to blame me for what you said by saying I had attacked your wife.
And yes, I have called you a liar because that is what you are. We have seen that in this thread alone as you have tried to accuse innocent others of what you have done yourself.
If you want, I’ll be happy to come up to St. Louis and meet your sons. I’ll be happy to show them what you have said about their mother and others like her. We can even visit your place of work where your comments on people of faith should land a nice, big ol’ lawsuit for discrimination against you.
You stepped in it big time, Jeffery. And now you want to blame everyone else for your actions.