(Raleigh N&O) Black lawmakers at the General Assembly want to talk about how to prevent fatal incidents like those between citizens and police in Ferguson, Mo., and elsewhere from happening in North Carolina.
The North Carolina Legislative Black Caucus scheduled a public panel discussion for Wednesday at the Legislative Building in Raleigh.
They want to discuss the underlying causes and stuff. Well, here’s a tip: don’t steal from a store, rough up the owner, walk in the middle of the street, which is guaranteed to catch the attention of the police. Don’t slam a patrol car door into an officer of the law, don’t assault the officer in the car, attempt to take the officer’s firearm, run away, then charge the officer.
Don’t be a career criminal. Do not resist arrest (this doesn’t change my belief that charges should have been forwarded for trial in the Eric Garner situation. But, neither I nor you were present in Grand Jury room). Tell your followers that getting an education is a good thing, and that engaging in crime is a bad thing. Support initiatives that enable Blacks to escape from the soul crushing conditions that Democrat policies created in the first place.
This does not absolve police of all, mind you. There are bad actors in all of life, including law enforcement. Ask a police officer, though, and they will tell you exactly how they look at people, particularly when they primarily deal with people who are breaking the law in one form or fashion, and constantly lie to them.