What’s more fun than this missive by a Harvard Law School 3rd year are the comments trashing the writer, William Desmond
Delaying Exams Is Not a Request from ‘Coddled Millennials’
In response, opponents of exam extensions have declared that to grant these requests would be a disservice to the students. Law students, they argue, must learn how to engage critically with the law in the face of intense adversity. Drawing comparisons to events surrounding the Civil Rights Movement and other times of intense turmoil, these opponents portray today’s law students as coddled millennials using traumatic events as an excuse for their inability to focus on a three-hour exam. In essence, law students are being told to grow up and learn how to focus amidst stress and anxiety—like “real†lawyers must do.
Speaking as one of those law students, I can say that this response is misguided: Our request for exam extensions is not being made from a position of weakness, but rather from one of strength and critical awareness.
So, not weakness. Of course
Although over the last few weeks many law students have experienced moments of total despair, minutes of inconsolable tears and hours of utter confusion, many of these same students have also spent days in action—days of protesting, of organizing meetings, of drafting emails and letters, and of starting conversations long overdue. We have been synthesizing decades of police interactions, dissecting problems centuries old, and exposing the hypocrisy of silence.
If you’re weepy eyed, confused, experiencing total despair over a far away event involving people you do not know in a place you’ve never been, yeah, that’s weakness. God help you in real life. No one is going to be sympathetic, especially the judge, your legal opponent, and your clients. Much less your employer. Nor will any of them be sympathetic if you want to blow off your duties to protest, organize meetings, and start conversations.
Interestingly, Desmond and his fellows who want the exams delayed because of a supposed miscarriage of justice, a bias in the system, want to be treated in a biased manner themselves. What of all the people who studied and take the exams at the correct time?
BTW, instead of writing this op-ed, Desmond could have, you know, studied.

I know Teach it is just so unfair that these students are being coddled
And if they wish will be getting starting jobs with salaries as high as 160000$ plus bonus
Not fair !!!
“…over the last few weeks many law students have experienced moments of total despair, minutes of inconsolable tears and hours of utter confusion…”
So, law students are the fainting fragile female flowers we read about in stories of 17th century England. Good to know.
Well, you should despise them then, John.
Did you check out some of the comments at the article, Kevin? Some of them were brutal. Probably made the article writer weepy.
Man, he used a whole lot of words to say “We’re really not a bunch of pussies, seriously.”
And yes, Teach, you know some of those comments absolutely destroyed Princess’ self -esteem. His first action as an attorney will probably be to sue them for the emotional distress they’ve caused.
Wow, you guys hit all the points I would have made- except that if I was a parent paying for my kids tuition there, I’d tell the little pansy to get back to the books. They will have to learn disciplines if they plan to actually practice law, wtf do they think they are entitled to here????