It’s apparently never too early to think of the 2016 presidential election (poll results here)
(Fox News) Former Massachusetts Gov. and 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney leads the growing pack for the GOP presidential nomination, while former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remains far ahead among Democrats.
Romney dominates the field for the 2016 Republican nomination. He comes in at 19 percent among self-identified Republicans, followed by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at 10 percent. No other candidates garner double-digit backing.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul each receive eight percent. Next, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker captures seven percent, followed by retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan each at six percent and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz at five percent.
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio (four percent), Ohio Gov. John Kasich (two percent), Texas Gov. Rick Perry (two percent), Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (one percent) and former Penn. Sen. Rick Santorum (one percent) each receive the backing of less than five percent of Republicans.
I’d say to watch out for Scott Walker and Rick Perry when the time gets closer. Mitt can be formidable. If he runs. I think Jeb Bush will flame out, ala Jon Huntsman, since he has no interest in running but anything other than a Democrat Lite. He does have popularity with the GOP squishy establishment and big money interests, though. According to the poll, he can beat Hillary. Of course, if Jeb gets the nomination, the reality is that Conservatives will stay home in droves.
On the Democratic side, Clinton is still 50 points ahead of her nearest rival — even though support for her is down somewhat from previous polls. Clinton receives the backing of 62 percent of self-identified Democrats. That’s down from 64 percent in July and a high of 69 percent in April.
The support Clinton has lost since April appears to be going to Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who captures 12 percent. That’s up from 9 percent in July — and double the 6 percent she received in April. Vice President Joe Biden comes in close behind at 10 percent. All other possible Democratic candidates tested garner three percent or less.
Warren has said uncategorically that she isn’t running. Of course, Obama also promised that he would finish his first term as a Senator before he would run.

So the only one who has a chance of beating Clinton
Is a must run as. Dem lite
Are you maybe hoping gir Sarah. ???
Warren says a lot of things, most of them untrue. But she’ll be the democrat nominee.
The repubs will nominate the most democrat like person, Mitt or Jeb.