People, including myself, since I asked him lots and lots of questions on Twitter, were wondering if this would ever happen
(White House) Last month, Dr. John Holdren — the President’s science advisor – invited the public to ask him anything about climate change on social media using the hashtag #AskDrH.
Since then, he’s gotten a lot of questions. Brandon, a seventh-grader, wanted to know if climate change will affect him during his lifetime. A number of people asked whether climate change is driving extreme events, like the heavy snowfall we’ve seen recently in Buffalo, New York. Some people wanted to know what Dr. Holdren is doing to prevent climate change himself.
Here are the questions he answered
- Will climate change affect me during my lifetime?
- Is climate change driving extreme weather events, such as the recent heavy snowfall in Buffalo?
- Are people truly affecting the climate, or is climate change a natural phenomenon that is part of Earth’s climate cycle?
- What about the common claim that temperatures haven’t increased for 18 years?
- How much would the world have to reduce carbon emissions in order to prevent an unstoppable process of methane release from the Arctic areas?
- What actions do you [Dr. Holdren] take to prevent climate change?
That last one is a question that I asked at least several times, and one I often ask Warmists
I find it interesting that the first thing he starts with, and the thing he says is most important, is implementing Obama’s “climate change” agenda. Things that affect Other People. This is what is most important to Warmists, forcing That Guy to adhere to the Warmist beliefs.
He does finally mention at the end a few things that he and his wife are doing in their own lives, such as his wife driving a hybrid, he takes the metro to work at the White House, and doesn’t even own a car in D.C., uses CFL’s (compact fluorescent light-bulbs), and recycles. That was actually the point of the question. Of course, he hasn’t given up fossil fueled travel himself.
The answer regarding the question about temps not increasing in 18 years is typical Warmist claptrap. I would have loved to hear him answer my question as to why 95% of computer models failed to predict the Pause.

When the Great Lakes were formed by glacier ice, where did all that ice go? Was there global warming back then and were there hysterical liberals in animal skins?
It’s because the ‘pause’ is a myth. The Denier ‘pause’ starts with the 1998 El Nino and will end with the next strong El Nino.
It turned into liquid water, a process known as melting. Did the Earth warm at the end of the last ice age? Yes!
Is that your last, best argument now? “Liberals still drive to work therefore global warming is a hoax.” You might try to refine your argument a bit to make more of an impact. For one, I suspect you are lying. Do you really expect one to believe that you will change your Denier stance if those that appreciate the significance of global warming stop using fossil fuels?
Do you live your entire life by the credo of opposing what someone else does? That seems pathetic.
Well Teapartyguardian there is no consensus on that many people who do not believe in global warming believe that God did not make the world until about 6000 years ago
These are included in the group that believe in the birgin birth of Jesus
However many scientists believe that over thousands of years the ice melted and filled depressions that became the Great Lakes
Most scientists believe that the reason the ice melted was because of changes in the orbit of the Earth
Most scientists also believe that the Earth is much older than what the Bible says
Climate deniers have not made a good case for why we are breaking temp records frequently now they just say it can’t be CO2 although some deniers say that the Earth isn’t warming
The question I keep asking is: why doesn’t “Lord” Moncktons art work show 2014 as being hot?